Snowflake days 9 & 10, and TV adaptation maybe-news

Jan 19, 2023 22:30

Cool maybe-news via yhlee: Stephen Colbert is apparently involved in a planned adaptaion of Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber. Which, man, now there's a series crying out for a big budget adaptation. This certainly seems at an early enough stage that it may never happen, like so many series I was intrigued by before this.

Actually, that got to me to google to see what was up with the Rivers of London series that had been in the works, and apparently there's now a different one that's in the works(ish). Which, OK, I'm glad they're still trying, but I'm bummed it's not the Simon Pegg one, because that sounded like a really great fit. This is from a production company that Aaronovitch himself created, which is encouraging -- maybe it will actually get done, and maybe it will be done properly and without too many sacrifices.

And then I looked up if anything was happening with Temeraire, speaking of exciting-sounding adaptaions that got optioned and never went anywhere, and apparently an animated one is in the works. Which, uh, is certainly a cheaper way to do it, I guess XD


Challenge #9: In your own space, celebrate a personal win from the past year: it can be a list of fanworks you're especially proud of, time you spent in the community, a quality or skill you cultivated in yourself, something you generally feel went well.

Well, it's not anything fannish. My sum total of fannish accomplishment for 2022 was two (2) bits of verse for last year's fandomtrees and a whopping 4 icons for Snowflake, and one (1) fic for Yuletide in a non-existent fandom, which, I mean is better than nothing, but not an accomplishment.

It's also not writing in general, because in addition to the fannish doggerel, I finished exactly one poem in 2022.

But, because these things don't coincide, I had a very good year for getting my poetry out there. Last year for Snowflake I listed as an accomplishment having sold my first poem. Well, after that I stepped up my submissions, and sold/placed four poems this year (three for money -- well, two for actual money I got paid and one for future money when it's published -- and one for no pay), and saw three poems in print in online magazines (OK, the last one was supposed to have come out before the end of the year but actually just came out on Jan 2023) and one in a print publication, and I was shortlisted and then placed third for a prize (an ~international~ prize, as my work friend pointed out recently), although they've yet to actually pay out my winnings, lol. But regardless of the prize cash, I got to read my poem over Zoom to an audience in a quaint library half a world away, and share it on Insta, and it's all been very unexpected but very pleasing.

Oh, and I also got much better at variant sudoku, lol XD

Challenge #10: In your own space, create a fanwork.

This is usually my cue to make a couple of icons I've been meaning to get around to. Most of these are not actually fannish, but a few are.


The Munya Chawawa Taskmaster icons are basically just alts of the "divide + conga" one I made earlier -- same image, just different text. I don't really need three nearly identical Munya icons, but ever since Greg referred to him as "unnecessary action hero" and someone on Ed Gamble's podcast described his approach to reality as being like Buzz Lightyear in the first Toy Story movie, I knew I had to make those as well. They are actually more generally applicable than "divide + conga", but I still like having that one, because it showcases his actual quickness and cleverness -- it's not all ill-advised galloping about. The Buzz Lightyear font is "Space Ranger" from

The Feanor icon is something I looked up the art for a while back but never got around to making, but then the excellent Feanor fills on threesentenceficathon reminded me I've been meaning to, so here it is. Art by EllirhShaan on deviantArt. The tengwar in the background supposedly spell out his name in Quenya. And the blue background is actual the darkest blue of the silmaril's on LorenzoC's cleaned-up version of Tolkien's sketch/sigil.

The rest are not strictly speaking fannish, but dragon art by Karolina Wellartova, the tea, umbrella, and sunflower seed wizard hamsters are by Gotte, purple hamster wizard is by yeyuannnnn, and holiday grand hamster photo is by masha_littlefox, all on Insta. I save fun hamster art all year round basically for this purpose XD

The sudoku used are "Kropki's Revenge" by Metapteria, "Shot through the ♥" by Philip Newman, flower sudoku by Clover whose name I didn't note down but I think it was in one of the April GAS sets, and Parity Lines sudoku by Sam Cappleman-Lynes, all solved in Sven's Sudoku pad.

poetry stuff, temeraire, taskmaster, lotr, snowflake challenge, amber, icon, rol

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