Hi! I don't remember the last time I posted, but I know it was three hamsters ago, when I had Rosie. She was absolutely the best hamster ever. I had Charlotte after her, but she was a biter, and I had to give her away, because I lived on campus at my college for a year. I'd been back home for about eight months when I decided to get another ham. I don't think I've introduced him here yet, so I suppose I should! He's about three months old now. (I got him in late January.) I hand tamed him, and he took to it right away, which was definitely a first out of the eleven hamsters I've had. (One had babies five days after we got her.) He's never bitten anyone, and he's definitely a big scaredy cat. He's terrified of heights, and is probably OCD, since he cleans himself all the time. I absolutely adore him!
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Sith hamster?
None of these are really that recent. When I take better pictures (with my camera instead of my cell phone), I'll post them!