Thanks for your comments in my last post regarding whether I should keep my 2 new hammys or not.
I decided to keep them.
I am still missing Pooki like mad, but I am hoping I will get over her loss in due time & be able to bond with the 2 new little 'uns.
I need some suggestions for names please. I am 98% sure that they're males. I am so crap at giving my hamster's names & my previous hamster never really got given a name.. I named her Pooki for the sake of writing about her but I usually just called her 'hamster' lol. This time though I am determined to give them names & to stick with them. So, any suggestions? (matching names are cute since there are 2 of them)
I am a little worried though. I think one of them could have diabetes.
The sandy coloured one (the one on the left - I'll call him ham 1 just now) keeps drinking water a lot. The water bottle is almost half empty & it got changed yesterday (both hamsters drink from it though).
When I got Pooki I also got another dwarf hamster called Squishy who looked like the sandy coloured one & she always drank lot as well. She died about a month after I got her due to a stroke but I'm also sure it was because she had diabetes.
Both ham 1 & Squishy were Campbells, yet the other new hamster looks a lot like Pooki & I'm not sure if they're Winter Whites. I've read diabetes is common in Campbells.
He's been a bit shaky but I'm not sure if that's because he's new & he's just a little frightened or if it's due to the diabetes.
If it is diabetes is there a special diet he will have to follow?
It's so hard to keep writing 'he' lol. I keep thinking they're girls!