Jul 12, 2010 03:16
GUYS have any of you ever walked to your local park in your pajamas with no shoes on during a thunderstorm to swing on the swings
I recommend it.
ZOMG. So I totally randomly woke up at 2:15 this morning like "?!?!!" and saw a flash of lightening out my window? And I looked and everything was TOTALLY STILL - the kind of creepy totally still that you get right before an awesome giant STORM so I ran downstairs into the greenhouse and I got there juuuust as the first drops started to fall. :D CLEARLY MY THUNDERSTORM SENSES WERE TINGLING AM I RIGHT
- Slight tangent here but who else besides me thinks that, taken to its logical conclusion, that sentence implies that I was bitten by a radioactive thunderstorm?
Anyway. So. Then I sat out there and watched it for a bit and it was EPIC and loud and it sounded like someone was dumping ball bearings on the greenhouse room from BUCKETS and I could feel the rain blowing in even from where I was sitting like two feet away from the door! Mmmm
So but then AS ALL THINGS DO it started to wind down, and I just sort of... decided it would be quite enjoyable to take a walk. IDK IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME? Even though I was briefly like "self, it is 2:45 a.m. and you are in pajamas with no shoes on that's unreasonable", because come on who listens to that little voice anyway.
BUT IT WAS SUCH AN ENJOYABLE WALK YOU GUYS everything was all clean and damp and smelled all nice and new and delightful and there were puddles! And. The grass was really soft and wet and felt really nice on my feet and I went and swung upside-down on the swings at the park for a while until I started to feel a LITTLE BIT like i was going to throw up (BUT IN AN EXCITING WAY) and then I walked home and now I am here. There's still light rain and the occasional really reassuring roll of thunder out the window, it's really. IDK I have run out of adjectives.
Why hadn't I done that before.
ann arbor,