sebastian_tombs asked me about five of my icons:
Polka or Die: It's sort of a wacky icon, though I also use it for dance-related posts. There is a T-shirt with this design available from Northern Sun, and I've always found it amusing. Besides, doing the polka is actually kind of fun!
Baby pensive: This is a baby picture of me; I was probably 6 months old or younger. I use it for pensive, contemplative posts.
Hippie fen: I made this icon of myself using some "make your own chibi" icon-making site. It's kinda hippie-chick and geeky at the same time, which is pretty much how I am. :)
Boom de yada!: An animated icon of a most excellent
XKCD strip which riffed upon the fun series of
Discovery channel commercials. It's a happy, "I love everything," squeeful kind of icon.
Pirate penguins: They're penguins. They're pirates. What's not to like? :) One of my many goofy icons for silly topics.
If you'd like me to ask about your icons, feel free to comment!