things that rocked in 2009

Jan 04, 2010 02:03

Believe it or not, there were some. Some of them even happened to me personally. Some, perhaps, are stretching the definition of "rocked" and might better be categorized as "failed to completely suck," know what? I'll take those, too. So, a list, in no particular order, some of which may or may not have happened to me or to people I know:

Trowa and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary and our 7th sweetieversary
ariesd celebrated our first anniversary, too
kimberlogic and xlii came back to Boston
President Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated, and we got to be in D.C. for it, along with about a bazillion other happy people
George W. Bush went the fuck away, finally
Both Trowa and I kept our jobs
I made it to my 6th anniversary of commencing employment at my job
My boss actually seems to think I'm rather good at my job
I earned my 3-month sabbatical and took half of it during the summer
I trained like a mad training thing for the Breast Cancer 3-Day
I raised the minimum amount needed to attend the walk itself
I helped taura_g make her minimum by organizing a successful bake sale
Trowa volunteered for the hydration crew
Both taura_g and I crossed the finish line...and I completed nearly 53 miles out of 60
She and I decided to do it again in Boston in July 2010 (look for another treatsfortits bake sale or two!)
Trowa and I attended several weddings
Babies were born to people we know, or began gestating
We met Trowa's two elder half-brothers...the eldest for the first time ever
We went to Seattle and met members of his family he hadn't even known existed
I was able to help some friends in need (and a couple of strangers, too)
Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger landed a motherfucking plane in the motherfucking Hudson River and nobody died
The stock market rebounded somewhat by the end of the year
More places in the US (and the world!) legalized same-sex marriage
We attended Worldcon in Montreal
We visited St. Maarten for the first time
We imported Trowa's mom for the winter holidays, the first time we've been able to spend more than an afternoon with her since our wedding
Neither Trowa nor I caught H1N1 (and I was finally able to get the vaccine)
My sister-in-law was successfully treated for breast cancer and her prognosis is good
I had many enjoyable new arts experiences (music, movies, fine arts, etc.)
Justice Sonia Sotomayor became the first Latina on the Supreme Court
A lot of politicians who love to moralize got publicly caught out as the hypocrites they are
I grew food for the first time ever (tomatoes and herbs in containers on the porch)
Twentieth Baitcon, whee
My brother and I successfully surprised our parental units by getting them a singing gorillagram for their 40th anniversary (a singing gorilla! in a tutu! with a ukelele!)
There were late-night runs to Walden Pond
I worked up my nerve to audition for Never After and landed a part in the chorus
I worked up my nerve to audition for The Mikado, too, and landed a part in the chorus
Despite my hatred of the decrufting process, I managed to do a fair bit of it
I have a lot of love and friendship in my life

sweeties, news, culture, travel, schmoop, things that rock, bc3d, family, friends, baitcon, sweetie, work

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