Our fundraising party is over, and we raised $625.25 for the Peninsula Young Demcrats' trip to Nevada to GOTV on election day!
Huge thanks to the following folks for donating and/or purchasing goods and services:
Some of that will go through as individual donations via the PYD site; there will also be one check, and I will aggregate the cash donations and make a lump sum donation in my own name at the beginning of next week.
There are still also a few auction items on hand that I will try to sell later. For now, I'm going to rest a bit and then start getting ready for parties. :)
Thanks again, everyone! I know that so many of you are heartily sick of campaigning and politics, but we are so close to the end of the race. Hang in there and do whatever you can to help build the nation in which you want to live, the nation that you would like to leave to future generations. Donate money or time if you can; and don't be dissuaded from voting.
What keeps me going right now is that I really do believe that we are at a crossroads here. Our choices on November 4th matter -- not just to us Americans, but ultimately to the rest of the world as well. American power may be declining, but it still exists, and we have a chance to put someone in the White House whom I believe will use it for much greater good than it's been used in the past 8 years.