I was asked: "How do you balance the introvert/extrovert natures of your various relationships?"
Hmmm, I haven't really thought about it until this question. Now that I do think about it, I remember that my INFP score on the MBTI usually puts me fairly close to the middle of the
introvert/extravert continuum. I wouldn't say that I'm exactly ambiverted, but that I am about as close to it as I could be while still scoring as an introvert. I really enjoy being social, I love conversation and parties, and have managed to overcome a fair bit of my natural shyness. On the other hand, I do have a harder time getting comfortable around people I don't know, I hate making phone calls or house calls to people I don't know, and while I can make myself be "on" in certain situations that require it, I usually need some quiet recovery time afterward. So, I think that this helps me understand both
trowa_barton's introversion and
ariesd's extraversion.