I've been trying to think of positive actions that we can take to counterbalance the shitshow that will be this country once the Orange One takes office.
- Support Planned Parenthood
- Support progressive candidates (check out Our Revolution, Brand New Congress, etc.)
- Support businesses owned by women, people of color, and other marginalized groups
- For those of us in majority-blue states, work like hell to keep them that way (see ActBlue, EMILY's List, etc.)
- Join and support organizations that work for the equality of marginalized groups, such as Standing Up for Racial Justice, the National Women's Law Center, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, True Colors Fund, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, etc.
- Support scientific, environmental, and climate action groups (such as 350.org, Union of Concerned Scientists, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Earthwatch, Earthjustice, etc.)
- Listen to, support, and defend people who stand to lose a lot over the next 4 years at least
- If you feel safe speaking out, SPEAK OUT so that those who feel unsafe do not need to jeopardize themselves
- If you have children in school, contact your school's leadership to ask what measures are in place to report/prevent/discipline cases of racial/ethnic/religious harassment in school and on buses
- For those who drive and can afford it, purchase a hybrid or EV as your next vehicle
- Contact a service such as https://mydomino.com/ to find out how to switch as much energy consumption as possible to clean sources and efficient devices
- Read many good suggestions here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/if-youre-overwhelmed-by-the-election-heres-what-you-can-do-now_us_5822c7d0e4b0e80b02cdf133
- Read many more good suggestions here: http://jezebel.com/a-list-of-pro-women-pro-immigrant-pro-earth-anti-big-1788752078
- Wear a safety pin to show solidarity with vulnerable people
- Offer to help women obtain IUDs or other birth control if they need help with it
- Offer to accompany trans friends to public bathrooms and changing rooms if they feel unsafe
More ideas? Add them in comments!