May 02, 2004 02:52
Went to the pier today, saw some old people who are still exactly the fuckin same. Stuck in the same stupid ass rut that they'll be stuck in till the day they die. Still a nice day at the pier though. Hanged out with Andrew, James, Carlos and Julia. Laughed at all the weeird people and tried to bum soda off em, they brought like 5 bottles of soda...and no cups.
Afterwords caught Shaolin Soccer, finally, with Taylor. Even though it had no dubbing, it was the greatest thing I've seen since, dare I say, You Got Served. Then we met up with Rachel and Julia after some ice cream and magazine stealing. We found a chair with wheels on 20 something street. Rolled around for fun.
These fucking mild-hipsters got us to go this "party" against bush...we went. There were like no more then 12 people there and it sucked so much. We were looking around at banners hanging up on the wall and we realized that the organization throwing the party was the young communist group. We were surrounded by hip commies...we had to get out of there. So we run out of the building, Rachel hops on the chair and I push screaming "RUN FROM THE COMMIES, THEY'RE FUCKIN' COMMIES!" Rachel and I are least hitting 30mph when the chair catches a huge crack on the floor, a wheel breaks off the chair (Rachel and I as well) go flying into the air. We do what I believe to be is a 1080 in mid air with our arms and legs flailing like rag dolls and we slam onto the floor. My reaction: "Rachel are you okay?! *not even a second passes by* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
After still laughing over Rachel and I's death crash, we meet up with Nissun and Sousick (I can't spell last names) and we head to Nissun's roof. It was fun, we threw rocks at each other, talked about ufos and spun some yarns. We then went to Nissuns and attacked ramen. My mom calls and I have to get home.
Julia and I then ran home and here I am. I hope everyone enjoyed their SATS and/or their Perfect Circle concert.