Dear Brain

Feb 07, 2012 12:05

Dear Brain,

WTF mate?

I know I don't remember my dreams all that often, but ratcheting up the weirdness factor is not useful. Let's take a look at some of the things you've subjected me to lately:

A couple nights ago: morrigans_eve as a grown up Sarah from Labyrinth, being drawn back into the labyrinth by Jareth. I was in the labyrinth with her, apparently as a sidekick. Even in a dream, nearly being eaten by a massive, snarling monster covered in shaggy fur is NOT fun.Being given a sip of Goblin wine was similarly full of suckatude. I'm pretty sure the hairy beast's fur had been part of the drink's manufacture.

Update and Clarification: Last night I realized I forgot to mention one of the critical points in the dream mentioned above. In the original movie, Sarah was, at times, a bit of an idiot. In the dream, morrigans_eve was herself, just with Sarah's back story melded with hers. That is to say she was older, wiser and had military training. The independence, creativity, determination and self-reliance that had attracted Jareth to Sarah in the movie had matured into an adult he wanted even more. Sarah had taken a level in badass, and Jareth liked it.

Last week: Hootiebird as Pidge from Voltron. This was before I tried introducing him to the show.

At assorted points in the last few weeks:

The cast of the TV series Bones investigating the death of a wizard from the Cthulhu mythos, complete with Eldritch Abominations. I'll admit, Zack turning out to be crazy enough to learn magic without going mad was a nice twist.

My iPod turning out to be a Deceptagon who was accidentally sent to spy on the wrong person. (Note, it was a short dream. He got up, bitched for a few minutes at the incompetence of the management above him and walked away, ruining my headphones in the process.)

There is no situation in which kumquats can serve as a reasonable substitute for a ninja throwing star, even if the supervillain has a citrus allergy.


A very tired Halleyscomet

dreams, strange

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