Jan 17, 2008 16:26
For professional reasons, I shouldn't post the details, but I've been encountering a LOT of issues with a Verisign owned technology. Promises of going live "in a couple weeks" have drawn out to three months and we're still not live. At every turn more bureaucracy is introduced, which adds more delays. During all this my employer is paying $500 a month for a Common Short Code that, because of Verisign's delays, we can't use.
I recently learned that going live with all 200 planned keywords will have to be done in phases taking a year and a half from the first approval, which is STILL four to six weeks away. By the time you factor in the delays, and assuming everything runs exactly as promised form here on out, Verisign's "two weeks" will be just a couple months shy of two years.
I first dealt with Verisign in 1998 and it was a prolonged, frustrating, painful process then. I guess even in IT, some things never change.
I may piss and moan now and then, vowing to "Never do business with Foo again" but there's really only a handful of companies that I have honestly resolved to NEVER enter into a contract with if I can help it. Being told by an employer that we're using them means I'll do my best to make things work, but if I'm the decision maker, there are three companies that will ALWAYS go into the circular file.
Network Solutions
dumb people,
stupid people,