School, minors, and general rant! k

Feb 12, 2009 09:52

Hello all,
So the semester is in full swing now. My first exams are due in half my classes. Ok, let's talk about books.
My Spanish book has taken the longest to arrive all because I did not know I had a book for that class until the first day classes began. Why? The prof. put the book at a different store that I normally do n ot use. She has been wonderfully understanding about working with me about not having a book, and allthough I am two units behind, I am doing fairly well.
I have turned in the other assignments asked of me, and today is the first vocabulary quiz. This course is about how we will sue Spanish in business settings. It is interesting, and we are learning things like how to write business letters.
I truly think this shows that Spanish is my second language. Although the corrections my letters required were not extensive, there were a few things. I only hope to attain the vocabulary level of the native Spanish soeaker correcting my work!
Ok, I love spanish, and now that I have bored the hell out of you, let's tlak about my other classes. My political science prof. is Chinese. Wonderful opportunity for me to practice my Mandarine! She is somewhat difficult to understand, but I can read her text. The other v.i. student in the class is rather interesting. She has a very mature personality and likes to write. anyway, that class consist of like 130 people.
English 222 is not easy. It is British literature and ckonsists of a lot of reading. The tests remind me of Spanish 304 that I just finished in English. I need to work hard for a B.
A friend of mine has now had his own isues with college. I un derstand and I am concerned for him. Although I dislike some of his qualities, I truly hope he is not too depressed. I remember sitting in front of the computer daily and giving myself things to do. that';s why I swore I would get back into school again, and did so.
I know my friend wil not say a word. I don't blame him , as I never did when he and his gf/fiancee were in school for the semester I was suspended. I am not sure how I can help him, but I am sure I will come up with something.
Ok, let's talk about my minor. As some of you will know, I will be a junior at the end of the semester. this means that I have to choose a major or a minor. I have a major , so I went the minor route. I think I am doing secondary education with an emphasis on v.i., bilingual education, and E.S.L. I think it will give me the fun, and the one-on-one I will need. It will also offer me job security, and variety a I will b eable to do so many different things if I get all three certifications. I think this is possible although I have not yet run it by my academic advisor. I thinmk this will take convincing but I know I cna do it becuase of how the certs are structured. I can test out of half the v.i courses and continue my Spanish studies to get the other certifications. Secondary ed. only consists of four courses which can probably be done in the summer. Some of it may even be online. j
Then there's student teaching, but I"ll worry about that later. I feel I have fallen back into so me old habits from before I did well in school. I need to correct them desperately, so off to shower and see about completing some of the due homework now that I have the Spanish book. Then I wil attend Spanish at 12:30 and the political science at 2:000.
Oh, I have purchased a new del latitude laptop and the dog destroyed utterly destroyed my headset that went with my victor player which belonged to the school. They will get back to me on the price. I don't think it'll be that bad, but I will never leave them under the nightstand again. I also got a copy of Arabic lesons and Russian when I have time.

Anyway, I'm off to live another day here in paradise a.k.a. life!


friends, college, spanish, minor

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