A random, thoughtful post

Jul 25, 2008 00:39

Hello to all my readers,
This post will probably prove random, but you'll live. Today, I did nada. I awoke at like midnight last night, and stayed up till around 3 a.m. and then fell asleep around 5.
I took the dog outside, and proceeded to drink my usual pot of coffee. I went back upstairs and played around on my laptop for a while, and then fell back to sleep.
Yesterday, I went to the bookstore in the student center. Once inside, I ran into a friend that I have had several Spanish courses with. wE talked about our schedules, and I informed her that our class has yet to be assigned a professor. At the counter, I gave the store clerk a copy of my schedule and she told me that she would go get someone to help me.
The person never showed up and she went ahead and helped me reserve books and agreed to fax the book list over to disability services. AS I left, I turned the wrong way and realized that I had taken the wrong set of automatic doors. this took a moment, but I am happy to report that when I realized what I'd done, I also realized how to get out of this situation.
Another student asked if I was lost, and I could honestly reply that I had simply made a mistake. I went straight back through the student cetner, and just as I knew I would be, I was outside on the correct street this time.
AFter that, I ran a search online for xhtml, and computer stuff. I tried out one of the quizes and actually got a little certification. I still feel that nothign is more important than the hands on use of my skills though. I have discovered I like Spanish, but I need a minor. I have gotten more into computer and technology lately.
I like the fact that I can work alone, and spend a lot of time in front of my laptop with no disturbance! I think this would be something good to pursue, along with my college degree.
Speaking of Spanish, I still like the iddea of court interpretation, so I finally foundd a Spanish court program. I have a lot of work to do in this department as I struggle to understand fast-paced arguments, and/or people talking over each other. I feel worst if I am asked to translate because it goes so fast I cannot translate it word for word, but give very general responses.
I can tell you for example, the subject of the conversation, but I have not yet learned to itnerpret as fast as they speak. Sometiems, I will understand, but by the time I finish interpreting they are on to something else, that I cannot follow. I plan to start watching it daily as I don't think it helped that the channel was turned in the middle of this case. I had no idea what the dispute actually startted over. A witness stood to testify and he and the defendant argued a bit.
I don't mind interpreting for people, but it is as if this is a test to simply be asked what are they talking about? It is to test my ability to speak Spanish, and I dislike it especially from my dad. He knows I can speak, but to be asked to interpret in the midddle of something would be akin to being asked to being asked what is the point of the case in the midddle of it.
Perhaps I am not making myself clear at all, so I will shut up about this subject now other than to say that I hope that I will be fluent enough to understand and interpret situations like this in real time!

I hope this finds all readers well, and feel free to comment,
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