I had about 100mL of leftover cream and a handful of dark chocolate buttons. My brain immediately suggested ganache. Oh I love ganache. And so I put them together in a pot with a bit of butter and melted it all together in the microwave. That's as far as my brain's suggestion went. To prevent myself eating it all with a spoon (the chocolate to cream ratio meant it wasn't going to set hard) I decided to make a tart.
I mixed an egg into the ganache, and added a teeny bit of baking powder because I wanted it to rise. Poured the mixture into a waiting sheet of puff pastry lining a cake tin and baked in a moderate oven until, well, until it did this:
In hindsight the baking powder probably wasn't necessary, but it did look pretty cool. Soon enough it flattened out. It was tasty. An unexpected fluffy texture, but tasty.