Freakin' "Furniture"

Aug 20, 2024 10:33

So, I broke a toe again last week. :( The second in this rental house, and once again by wish-boning the toes on my right foot!

The last time, it was from running into the corner of a dresser leg in the dark, while trying to navigate the small space between the dresser and my air mattress (this was while HalfshellHusband was recovering from his major foot surgery). This time? I stepped forward into what I thought was open space, and instead struck the corner of a toe-kick support under the kitchen island. Toe kicks! They are the bane! HSH's feet get caught on them, so he has been adamant about having NO toe kick "supports" in our kitchen when the house gets rebuilt.

This is either the 3rd or 4th time I've broken a toe by wish-boning it, all on the same foot. Ugh. /o\

In other news, we finished another spell of 98o heat (about 7 days), and we're having a little bit of respite now. What a godawful summer this has been, and it seems like they almost all are. I hate the heat here, and global warming keeps making it worse. :( With that heat, I biked outside 4 times in the week before last, 1 time last week. I lose SO much strength and stamina during these hot spells that I feel like I'm retraining every time the heat lets up for a bit. Suckage.

In garage-biking news, I finished In From The Cold and started Wednesday, both on Netflix and both good. I LOVE the art direction on "Wednesday," and who could resist Tim Burton? I'm not fully sold on the casting, though. I think Luis Guzman is too unattractive for Gomez (though his scary teeth resemble the original cartoon characters). Catherine Zeta-Jones as Morticia is... a black hole of a character. She sucks all of the energy out of every scene, and that doesn't seem right for Morticia. She's missing the sly whimsy that all the Morticias have had, and her portrayal doesn't match who the younger Morticia was supposed to be, either. I like Wednesday herself (though I thought Pugsley was older, not younger?), and I love the Amazonian principal, Weems. Plus, "Thing" is a riot. Very well done. :D

We saw the Deadpool & Wolverine movie a couple of weekends ago, which was even ruder than you can imagine. No, really. We've been waiting all summer for it to come out, so that was a lot of fun. It helps to have seen Furiosa first, since that was one of the things lampooned. \o/ I'm not sure Hugh Jackman needed to be quite so jacked for this movie (the man is nearly MY age), but he looked damn good. RAWR!

In other news, the house decisions are piling on. The tile situation is killing me. I've been looking at tile for over a year now, and honestly, I would have been DONE a year ago if I had found what I wanted. The contractor wants a decision on the laundry and bathroom floor tiles at the end of the week, and what's been holding those up is mainly finding the right tub/shower tile. I mean, they're kind of intertwined.

Last weekend's flail was on drywall finishing, mainly having to pay extra for the finish I wanted (even though it recreated what we had before). So much minutiae. Oh, and finalizing the front door, where I didn't quite like any of the choices (or, more accurately, didn't fully like AND the designer was pushing against what I sort-of liked). But it's done now.

Writing for Idol again takes up some of the little spare time I have (as I knew it would), but also adds back in a little bit of fun, which I've sorely been missing. I'm really happy with this last week's entry, which was immensely fun to write! That isn't always the case.

And my final plague... too many earworms. I finally got Carousel's "Clambake" song out of my head (it was in there for weeks) by accidentally replacing it with the opening to Shostakovich's 6th Symphony. It was a cleansing move, and now I'm onto new earworms that turn over more quickly. Yesterday was "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?", and today it's Pete Molinari's "So Long Gone" (dirty, muddy blues, just the kind I like).

What's new with all of you?

recs-movies, ow!, from the ashes, recs-tv, me, cycling, music

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