Neigh? Naaaay! /o\

Jul 30, 2018 11:01

File this under "unbelievable," except it actually happened...

HalfshellHusband was hit by a horse while bicycling on Saturday.

Yes, really. A group of people were riding their horses on the bike-trail pavement (horses are only allowed on the dirt trails at that point). HSH went wayyyy to the side and biked past them, and one of the horses spooked and ran into him. Knocked him off his bike and into a faceplant on the dirt. :(

And then the group of riders immediately blamed him for it, claiming that horses have the right of way!

No, no they don't. Only across the bridges where there IS no dirt trail. But otherwise, NO.

HSH was infuriated, which is pretty rare for him. Luckily, he only got some bad road-rash on his face and shoulder, and a few scrapes elsewhere, but no broken bones. Do I have to tell you what a miracle that is?

Just... HOW? \o?

ow!, and now you force me to rant, hsh, cycling, wtf was that?, a universe of _no_

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