
Feb 23, 2011 11:50

I'm multitasking at work, where I'm dialing into an online meeting at the office so I can also work on software coding. And make this post. I feel like the Old Spice Guy. :D

For the three or four of you Supernatural folks who didn't hear about this last week, I bring you a link to Misha/rhino hilariousness. Looks like it's time for a Fandom PSA:

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recs-fanfic, recs-humor

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Comments 8

nrrrdy_grrrl February 23 2011, 22:55:21 UTC
He really is brilliant.


halfshellvenus February 24 2011, 01:10:23 UTC
And that's the right word, too. He's really, really smart, and clever to boot.

After reading that entire fanwank epic, I found myself thinking that if he ever got tired of acting, a career as a satirist would not be at all farfetched. \o/


weesta February 24 2011, 00:19:41 UTC
Misha Collins will fuck your shit up with both hands, and you will help him do it. The end.

Succinct and accurate.


halfshellvenus February 24 2011, 01:11:34 UTC
Scarily so!

Do not be lured into thinking that any prolonged interaction with him will end well. The more elaborate, the worse your chances. :0


brigid_tanner February 24 2011, 01:42:59 UTC
I love MIsha's brain :) He's so warped. There's probably a book coming out of his experiments with the minions.


halfshellvenus February 24 2011, 01:46:15 UTC
Warped is right!

He really has an evil sense of humor-- the digs about dividing up the bits of an endangered animal, for instance-- and no compunction about torturing other people with it.

I think Jared has bested him as a prankster several times in RL, but it's really the written word that's Misha's forte. ;)


kronette February 27 2011, 01:22:10 UTC
*le sigh* Misha is straight up insane and brilliant. I'm debating going to Nashville to see him again with the SPN crew, since it's in my birthmonth and I deserve a break, damn it! We're redoing and relaunching our work website from SCRATCH - new hardware, software and layout, and it has to be done by the end of April. I will SO need a break by June.

Ah, Misha. Did you see his tweets last night? They coincided with the episode.

I look forward to every bit of Misha I can get, fucked up shit or not. Hell, BECAUSE of the fucked up shit :D


halfshellvenus February 27 2011, 02:43:26 UTC
I'm not watching the episodes at the moment, so no. I actually don't follow Misha's tweets, but I've heard they're a riot. :D

Hell, BECAUSE of the fucked up shit :D
Exactly! This is why he's fun! \o/


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