from lareinenoire

Nov 08, 2007 01:58

Having half-adopted someone else's night-table:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...
5. ...along with these instructions.

They report that a person who knows how to breathe is a person who knows how to build up endless vitality: breath builds up the lungs, strengthens the blood, and revitalizes every organ in the body.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh, The Miracle of Mindfulness (trans. Mobi Ho) [- eru's]

"He begs for noble intercession: 'As you have done me honor in the past, I call, from my disgraced and hunted state-' "
~ Gregory Feeley, "Aweary of the Sun", in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror (Eighth Annual Collection) ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling [- mine]

[oh, forget the fifth sentence ('Well, I deserve it.') when the second is:]
'You are a human correspondence course in Efficiency - one of the ones you see in the back pages of the magazines, beginning, "Young man, are you earning enough?" with a picture showing the dead-beat gazing wistfully at the boss's chair.
[and then the third-]'You would galvanize a jellyfish.'
~ P. G. Wodehouse, Life at Blandings [- eru's]

And Grover's New Kitten (by Muppets, Inc.) doesn't have a page 23, but its presence must be noted.
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