Yuletide letter

Nov 19, 2011 11:37

(My AO3 username is halfeatenmoon, in case there's any confusion.)

Hi, Yuletide author! Thank you so much for offering to write something in my favourite tiny fandoms! Whatever you decide to write, I can assure you that I'll just be over the moon to receive fic for one of these fandoms, and I really hope you have fun writing whatever you decide to write.

Story elements I like: In terms of my general tastes in fic, I like gen, slash, femslash and het equally, so whatever you prefer to write is fine with me! I like stories about people living together, or travelling together, having adventures and finding the fun in their everyday lives. I also really enjoy unrequited love stories, and seeing how people cope with it. As far as porn/kinks go, I'd be totally satisfied if you wanted to write a fic with no sex in it - I'm in fandom for stories and characters more than porn. But if you want to write something with sex, I like I like bondage, pain kink (though I'm not wild about hard dominance/submission) animal play and crossdressing. I also have a weird fondness for tales of bad sex, or people walking in on others having sex, or sex scenes that are interrupted for some reason. Not a kink as such, I just find it entertaining.

Things I don't like: My biggest turn-off is character-bashing, especially of female characters. I don't like stories where the plot is driven by people misunderstanding each other or communicating badly, where people are embarrassed or humiliated, or pressured into doing things they don't want to do, sexually or otherwise. Kink-wise, the only things I really hate are non-con, dub-con, ageplay and again, people being pressured into stuff.

Specific fandom requests (basically a copy & paste of my signup form)

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (Any characters)
This series is very dear to me and I really do love every single character, so if there's one that you especially want to write then go for it! My favourite kinds of stories in this fandom are silly SOS Brigade adventures, whether at the school or on trips outside of it, things that play with the things Haruhi's powers could do, stories about them in the future (what kinds of mad things does Haruhi get up to in university?) or even alternate universe fic, though I haven't seen much of it in this fandom.

I'm also happy with either gen or pairing fic. The only pairing I really dislike and don't want to see is Kyon/Yuki, and I'll read practically anything else! I particularly love yuri fic (my favourite pairings are Mikuru/Tsuruya and Nakato/Asakura) but I also love Kyon/Haruhi, Kyon/Mikuru, Haruhi/Mikuru, Haruhi/Itsuki, Itsuki/Sasaki and Kyon/Itsuki.

I'm not up to date on reading the latest novels (10 and 11) but I've read the spoilers, so if you want to set something that late in the series, that's fine. (Though I'd be very impressed if you manage it, because those books sound incredibly confusing!)

Community (Troy, Abed, Britta, Dean Pelton)
Hi there! My favourite thing about Community is the atmosphere of the show, lots of fun with serious undertones sometimes, so what I'd like the most is something that has that feel, something quirky and lighthearted. I've picked my favourite characters up there, but really, my favourite thing about the show is the ensemble cast, so I'd enjoy anything about the study group all working together, whether it's a genre episode, a silly excuse for a party/dance at Greendale or

I'd be delighted with just some gen fic about the study group, but if you want to write something romantic then my preferred pairings are Troy/Abed, Troy/Abed/Annie, Jeff/Britta, Britta/Slater, Britta/Annie or Britta/Paige. But the only pairing I'd rather not see is Jeff/Annie, so if your story leads you towards another pairing that I haven't mentioned then I'll still love it! I always enjoy unusual pairings. (I'm also really interested in the frienship between Jeff and Pearce, but not in a romantic/sexual way. I just find it fascinating that there's so much animosity between them but also similarities, and moments where they really support each other.

If you like specific story prompts, there are some oddball stories I'd love to see, but feel free to ignore these if they don't inspire you:
1. The collision between the Dean's, ah, passion for dalmations and Britta's tendency to wear animal costumes at Halloween. I would so love to see the Dean's dream come true, finding someone in a dalmation costume, and then finding himself confusingly attracted to Britta.
2. Adventures in black felt goatees from The Darkest Timeline in Remedial Chaos Theory. Do Troy and Abed ever get back to the prime timeline? Do they get any of the others to come with them? Why DID Britta put a blue streak in her hair?
3. Something meta about the show going on midseason hiatus or the fear of it being cancelled. I freely admit that I have no idea how this could work in fiction, but if there's ever a fandom where someone could pull it off, it's Community.
4. Greendale College Rollerderby Team. There's no reason it would even exist, I just think it'd be cool. And any of the women in the study group would be a fantastic derby girl if a team needed someone to fill in in an emergency.

Honey & Clover (Yamada, Morita, Shuuji, Rika)
I've picked my favourite characters, but I'd be happy with any fic for this series! One of the things I love the most about it is that it's chock full of unrequited love stories, so I'd especially love something with a focus on that. However, I also love the art school setting, Takemoto and Morita's relationship as roommates and some of the sillier things they get up to, so I'd enjoy some happy gen about the art school and the silly things they get up to there, or a focus on friendships. The only thing I really don't like is the Nomiya/Yamada pairing, so I'd prefer it if your fic didn't include it.

If you'd like some more specific suggestions, there are a few particular things I'd like:
1. Something about Yamada and Morita's relationship. I really like their dynamic and I always wished we could have seen more of them together in the series, so I'd like to see something about them either as friends. I'd even enjoy something about them in a sexual relationship, in the sense that neither of them can have the people they really want, but they can take some comfort from each other. It's one of my favourite comfort scenarios, actually.
2. Something about Rika, Shuuji and Harada. I would LOVE a story about them as a threesome, but happy genfic about their past together would be beautiful too.
But they're also just suggestions! Fic about the other characters would be lovely too.

I hope there's something here that you'll enjoy writing, because that's what really matters. Enjoy what you write! I'm just delighted at the thought of getting fic for one of these fandoms, and that's all. Happy Yuletide!


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