Title: I Want to Hold Your Hand
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Rating: PG-13
Note: Birthday fic for
ellel and
ficangel. I hope you ladies don’t mind sharing. The muse isn’t as cooperative as I’d like! Inspired by a comment from
cmonkatiekatie that she’d be content with Jack and Sawyer just holding hands. So this is for her too. Set during S1, when the canon Jack/Sawyer was plentiful
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Comments 62
They're so cute. And hee, Sawyer's worked up a case of tendenitis just like us! He's a kindred spirit, I'm sure he knows like we do that writing's worth it, even if it hurts. Especially if you've got your very own Doc to make it all better!
Thank you SO MUCH for the happy birthday and for the much-needed (um, I started to say sorely-needed but it's too early in the morning for puns *that* bad) J/S fix. Thank you for writing our boys exactly how they are when they are at their best together. ♥ ♥ ♥
And whee, your birthday resulted in a much-needed avalanche of J/S fic! YAY! We all win!
He’d been leaning closer to Jack. His heart was beating too fast for his liking and he was uncomfortably aware that he’d just been thinking of how good Jack smelled, somewhere between freshly washed and just starting to work up a sweat from the heat of the day. He smelled like Jack. Sawyer hadn’t even realized he could recognize Jack by scent as well as sight and sound, or that he would ever have to fight the urge to bury his face in the soft, worn cotton of Jack’s T-shirt.
heee! too cute. I really loved this, thanks!!! ♥
And mmm, that episode yielded some of the best J/S icons! ;)
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