And aw, thanks! Makes me feel bad that I'll probably disappoint though, haha. The tests aren't actually that bad, I kind of like writing the essay, but the grammar leaves me baffled when the options look so similar...Blegh.
Soooo, I'm writing a different Puck/Kurt? IDEK, I think I'm insane, but here is a snippet for your perusal!
Puck’s used to not getting what he wants. He’s second-string quarterback after Finn, his girlfriend left him for someone with a higher future earning potential, and when he finally accepts the inevitable and joins Glee he's lucky to get a throwaway solo. It's not that he's bad at any of those things, you know, its just like that saying? Even if you're great, there's always someone *better*? Puck proves the rule. He’s not dumb, though, Puck. Maybe not school smart, the smart that gets you A-pluses and good SAT scores, but he knows an opportunity when he sees one. He’s… enterprising.
And let's face it, Kurt makes it *easy*. The way he looks at Finn, the way Mercedes touches his arm every time Rachel and Finn do their "hot male lead and the stunning young ingenue" thing.
aaaand then Puck totally plays him. I made him a complete douchebag, wow. *runs and hides*
If this is insanity, it is insanity of the awesome variety! KEEP GOING WITH THIS! ♥ Your voice works really well with Puck's way of thinking, and the fact that you make him a douchebag is perfect, because that's who he IS, you know? People who love him sometimes forget that (myself included). Puck not giving a shit that he's invading those really private, personal moments when Kurt's pining for Finn--when Kurt is most vulnerable--and even taking advantage of that without caring is SO in character I'm already kind of worried for Kurt (which is a GOOD thing).
I reeaally hope there's more to this. I can't wait, your brain produces REALLY good ideas. I ♥ it.
I DONT BLAME YOU. I wouldn't have expected it if I didn't already know the spoilers, and even though I still went OH MY GOD when it happened. I can't wait for when Finn finds out, that is going to be interesting.
You mean Quinn's last line? I went "wat" when that happened. I didn't even understand what happened that would make her change like that... This show is really moving fast, I hope it doesn't burn out.
The show does seem to put all its cards on the table every episode, doesn't it? I kind of feel like a lot of shows do that the first couple of episodes before the writers are able to really discover what makes the show stand out. Fringe had that problem and I didn't look forward to watching it every week until the writers figured out that they didn't have to use the same structure episode after episode and were able to build a great season-long arc.
Yeah, it does. Everything has been really fast paced so far - plotlines that normally take an entire season happening in the first three episodes - that I'm a bit worried that by the end of the 13 episodes, if there's another season, what's going to happen? And now that I think about it you're right. I guess we'll have to wait and see if the same thing holds true for Glee's later episodes, or if it's always going to be like this. As long as they keep it interesting without it going over the top...I guess I'll be fine.
Yay! I'm so glad you liked this one more. :) This show is still surprising me with getting me to actually laugh out loud at the tv. Sandy was my personal favorite this time around, especially with his, "Who is Josh Groban?! KILL YOURSELF!" and that thing about getting hot wood into kids' hands. Oh my god. XD
( ... )
I think that as long as Kurt gets a couple of lines, I'll like it. His lines are so amazing and I love him so much, and this episode was pretty generous with his screen time. 8D And that line was AWESOME. Oh Sandy, his misfortune is our laughter fuel. And YES, all of Kurt's lines, most of Sandy's lines, and Puck's lines were awesome too.
Haha, I already find Puck more likable; in his own special douche way he widdles into your heart. But yes, while he does try to be all cool he's actually pretty lame lmao. Getting dumped by Santana, going after cougars, getting a nipple ring...Pfft. As we learn more and more about him I'm convinced that Kurt would be half disgusted half turned on by Puck's crude sexual....ness.
I KNOW! I haven't commented on them yet but IT'S GROWING! WE'RE NOT CRAZY!!
WE'RE NOT CRAZY!! lol! I know, It's like watching your baby grow up to be successful! *sniff*
The nipple ring...personally, I think they're disgusting. Whenever I look at them I think of pain, but I couldn't help wondering what Kurt would think of it, lol. I think he would say it was tacky, but then still secretly like it. Idk.
I'm convinced that Kurt would be half disgusted half turned on by Puck's crude sexual....ness. I'm convinced you're right! ;) That actually reminds me of a scene/prompt I had thought up a few weeks back. For one reason or another Puck swings by Kurt's place after football practice or something with the aim of getting some lovin', and at first Kurt is all like, "OMG NO you are so dirty and smelly and if you get that on my shirt I will kill you." And Puck's like, being dumb, doing a stupid sexy dance and being all, "Come oonnnnnn," and Kurt's just like, "FINE." And then they have hot dirty sex and Kurt secretly loves it.
RE: Nipple rings, so do I. Even in most fic, all I can think of is "he has a hole in his nipple /cringe". IA about Kurt though, he'd huff "that's so crude/distasteful" but at the same time he wouldn't be able to stop staring at it. Either way I think fic is needed to further explore this very important topic of discussion.
AND THAT PROMPT: A+. I imagine that Kurt's the type to always be uppity about stuff and criticize Puck for reasons A B and C (not that he would listen anyway), but he always gives in to Puck's crazy distasteful ways lol.
And I just half-listened to a glee podcast (for a contest for the 3rd episode on iTunes) and apparently there might be characters other than Kurt coming out/getting confused with their sexuality. EXCITEMENT RISING. Tina is the next obvious candidate, most likely bisexual if anything since SPOILERSPOILERSPOILER it's heavily hinted she kind of gets together with Artie, whatever "he gets a girl" means. Don't know if I want Tina/Quinn or Tina/Artie though
( ... )
Comments 14
Ooh, standardized testing. I'm sure you did awesome!
And aw, thanks! Makes me feel bad that I'll probably disappoint though, haha. The tests aren't actually that bad, I kind of like writing the essay, but the grammar leaves me baffled when the options look so similar...Blegh.
Puck’s used to not getting what he wants. He’s second-string quarterback after Finn, his girlfriend left him for someone with a higher future earning potential, and when he finally accepts the inevitable and joins Glee he's lucky to get a throwaway solo. It's not that he's bad at any of those things, you know, its just like that saying? Even if you're great, there's always someone *better*? Puck proves the rule. He’s not dumb, though, Puck. Maybe not school smart, the smart that gets you A-pluses and good SAT scores, but he knows an opportunity when he sees one. He’s… enterprising.
And let's face it, Kurt makes it *easy*. The way he looks at Finn, the way Mercedes touches his arm every time Rachel and Finn do their "hot male lead and the stunning young ingenue" thing.
aaaand then Puck totally plays him. I made him a complete douchebag, wow. *runs and hides*
I reeaally hope there's more to this. I can't wait, your brain produces REALLY good ideas. I ♥ it.
Quinn seemed to have an epiphany about Sue's desire to see New Directions implode. Didn't expect that so soon.
You mean Quinn's last line? I went "wat" when that happened. I didn't even understand what happened that would make her change like that... This show is really moving fast, I hope it doesn't burn out.
Haha, I already find Puck more likable; in his own special douche way he widdles into your heart. But yes, while he does try to be all cool he's actually pretty lame lmao. Getting dumped by Santana, going after cougars, getting a nipple ring...Pfft. As we learn more and more about him I'm convinced that Kurt would be half disgusted half turned on by Puck's crude sexual....ness.
I KNOW! I haven't commented on them yet but IT'S GROWING! WE'RE NOT CRAZY!!
The nipple ring...personally, I think they're disgusting. Whenever I look at them I think of pain, but I couldn't help wondering what Kurt would think of it, lol. I think he would say it was tacky, but then still secretly like it. Idk.
I'm convinced that Kurt would be half disgusted half turned on by Puck's crude sexual....ness. I'm convinced you're right! ;) That actually reminds me of a scene/prompt I had thought up a few weeks back. For one reason or another Puck swings by Kurt's place after football practice or something with the aim of getting some lovin', and at first Kurt is all like, "OMG NO you are so dirty and smelly and if you get that on my shirt I will kill you." And Puck's like, being dumb, doing a stupid sexy dance and being all, "Come oonnnnnn," and Kurt's just like, "FINE." And then they have hot dirty sex and Kurt secretly loves it.
AND THAT PROMPT: A+. I imagine that Kurt's the type to always be uppity about stuff and criticize Puck for reasons A B and C (not that he would listen anyway), but he always gives in to Puck's crazy distasteful ways lol.
And I just half-listened to a glee podcast (for a contest for the 3rd episode on iTunes) and apparently there might be characters other than Kurt coming out/getting confused with their sexuality. EXCITEMENT RISING. Tina is the next obvious candidate, most likely bisexual if anything since SPOILERSPOILERSPOILER it's heavily hinted she kind of gets together with Artie, whatever "he gets a girl" means. Don't know if I want Tina/Quinn or Tina/Artie though ( ... )
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