Kurt is officially my favorite of the show. He got a lot of screen time in this episode, and he was awesome in every scene he was in. And I'm still expecting some sort of pic spam with all his outfits, because they are so adorable and he wears them so well (although some are kind of horrific. The first one...what was on his head?!). I mean, the hoodie, the red jacket thing, the white jacket thing, a corset, his collection of tiaras? Amazing.
And I love Kurt/Mercedes friendship, they are so adorable and they relate to each other so much. Mercedes was also amazing in this ep! And the parts that I both overflowed with love and kind of cringed at were the parts where Kurt was said he was in love with someone, PAN TO FINN. Awkward. But it's now canon that he has a crush on Finn, sooner than I expected but still idgaf it's Kurt. Another part was when he was talking to Mercedes and coming out, and it was so touching and his self deprecating sort of smile and then he had that single tear of sadness lol (I don't know why I just lol no matter what at a single tear running down one's face), but then he had that line "I guess I'm just not confident enough" and he like stood straighter and swallowed to stop crying and walked away and my HEART BROKE. KURT!
And also the comment about his aerosol voice, lmao. Gah, I love this show so much. So far it's been such a swingy relationship between this show and I. But yes, I love Kurt. A lot.
What? There were other characters? OH yeah! Other things I liked about it was Puck and his douchey narration. "I have star potential!", "Cougars never let you down!" and "My bowel movements have better moves than you! *pushes Finn into music stand*" (At least he knows the word bowel, and on that note: oh Finn, cliché? Really dear?). Also boy has moves and can sing. And anyone else catch the Puck/Sue? Don't know what to make of that. But haha at Santana breaking up with him for financial reasons. This show is awesome.
Other notable things, Rachel was awesome this episode. Her self confidence and her adorable "I'm Sorry" cookies, I really like her a lot more now. And I'm so happy to see that she's not just a lovesick teenage girl, but that her career means more to her than a boy. I have immense respect for that. Also "gayvention", haha. Artie and Tina are still in need in more lines, though. But now my faith is kind of elevating because I was so happy with this episode.
And next episode is going to be even better. OH god, next wednesday come sooner please.
Other news, The Office starts tomorrow and I took the SAT/ACT today. It was torturous.