Jul 18, 2003 00:30
after working at banana for two months, one thing has become to bother me very often...I experienced the same thing at foleys...but yeah...i am losing more and more respect for parents each day...as i watch little kids destroy our store and cause the other customers problems, uncomfortableness (not a word, but oh well), and not a good shopping experience...all i have to say is...i dont blame the kids, i blame the fuckin shitty ass parents, because if the parents would pay attention to the kids, teach them respect, morals, consideration, and manners then they wouldnt be such little reckless beasts hoped up on too much sugar from the shitty fudge they had an hour before...im not gonna blame the "nationalists" as well call them at banana for all of this destruction, even though they are 75% of the people that bring in their litter of 7 children into the store, the white parents are just as worst with their little spoiled bratty kids who think its funny to look under every dressing room door terrorizing the other customers...i guess all im saying is, FUCK shitty new parents who think its more important two get that last berry colored cotton sleeveless shell...FUCK the parents that raise their kids to not respect their elders or anyone at that matter and run freakishly around destroying anything in their paths...FUCK parents that have too many kids that they cant say all their names in one sentence without catching their breaths...FUCK parents that forgot what manners are or just "forgot" to teach their kids that...FUCK parents who are too cheap to get a fuckin baby sitter to watch the kids for the day, so they can go out and buy 600$ worth of the same colored pants and shirts at one store, which they will end up returning in two weeks...and most of all FUCK parents that have forgotten that their children look up to them and watch and memic what they do...so tell me, what the hell are your kids learning when mommy and grandnanny are stuffing shirts into their purses and kiddy strollers and walking out like nothing is wrong?...i wish all the worst to you shitty ass fuckin parents and i hope you take some fucking responsibility for your kids actions...one day i hope you realize that your shitty parenting is the reason why your kid is a drug dealing low life, who has three STDS, been in jail twice, dropped out of highschool, has a bastard/motherless kid, and steals from your purse on a weekly/ hell daily basis...you deserve everything you taught them when they were younger...it's your fault, not theirs and dont ever forget that!
keep ya heads up
dennis miller is a god!