RIP Big Ugly Green Van

Sep 22, 2008 23:04

I never thought this day would come. But, at last, my dad is finally retiring his big ugly green van. That's what my sister and I used to call it at least, and I think it's an appropriate term. He says that it's held together by rust and duct tape, but apparently it's no longer safe to drive. Thus, dad's having it hauled off to the ancient van scrapyard tomorrow between 9:30 - 10:00 AM.

This van is apparently rather famous or infamous perhaps around Monterey. He hasn't been using it for work for quite a while, for the last few years, it's sole purpose in life as far as I've been able to tell has been to haul Christmas trees from the lot to our house. (We usually get those some where around December 22nd or 23rd for maximum cheapness.) I'm not quite sure what'll be used to haul christmas trees now because the blue van isn't quite up to the task, although dad may end up doing what mom was suggesting and putting a luggage rack on top.

This big ugly green van is eleven years older than me, eight years older than my sister, and has been around longer than my parents have been together. (They were married thirty one years ago.)

Since the big ugly green van will probably be gone by the time I get up tomorrow morning, I bid you adieu:

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