The job hunt continues...

Aug 10, 2008 00:32

I was productive today, job search wise. I applied at three different places, RiteAid, Easy Street Billards and California Forensic Medical Group. I didn't even know Easy Street was hiring - that one was totally serendipity. I just went over there after checking out Trader Joe's to see if they're hiring to say hi to Lee since she works there and saw that they're hiring. TJ's wasn't, but they were, and a pool hall would be a pretty cool place to work, so I wouldn't mind that.

Lee wasn't there when I went by, but one of the people who works there said she starts work at 7 PM, so I went by earlier this evening again to say hi to her. I said hi and chatted off and on for an hour before heading off back home. She asked if I wanted to play pool there, but I said that while I like playing pool, it's not something that'd be fun by myself, so I passed on that. They were pretty busy, which was good to see for a Saturday night, glad to know the business is doing well.

Just finished watching another episode of Numbers on iTunes, courtesty of the gift certficate Robert and Jennifer gave me. I'll probably end up buying the rest of the season, which the gift certificate doesn't quite cover, but it makes it cheaper at least. Definitely a good show.
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