So it turns out that I won't be needing to buy a copy of PowerPoint after all, since the latest version of OpenOffice lets me print PowerPoints in handout view. I don't really like how it put mini versions of all the slides on the first page, especially since the order of it doesn't really make sense. To me, that's just a waste of ink and paper, but it't not nearly as much of a waste as having to print each slide on its own page and it's enough more convenient than going to the computer lab at school that it's worth the ugly look.
This means that OpenOffice saved me and my parents $90 since 90% of what I use PowerPoint for is just printing out PowerPoints in handout view so it isn't really worth the money to own it for the rare occasions when I need to make PowerPoint presentations, especially since I can do that either with OpenOffice or at school.
Also, I looked at my final schedule again this morning before I went to school and found out that the ugly final day isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be because not one, but two of my classes have common finals. I knew the Finance class was in a common final period already, but I didn't know that my Business Programming class did as well until I looked at the final schedule again this morning. Turns out it does and while its final is still on Thursday, the same day as the Finance final, it's no longer at 10 AM that morning - now it's at 4 PM in the afternoon. Which means I'll have two 2 hour breaks between finals on that final day to destress and possibly study a bit for the next finall, which is much nicer than having three finals back to back.
Oh, and I decided I'd use my favorite picture out of the ones I took one the way back to Lark as my default icon for
my book journal. I uploaded it to my main journal's icon collection as well by accident but then decided to keep it here since I might use it. Who knows, I may even turn it into my default icon for both journals since I really like that picture.