App for Route 29

Jul 10, 2011 00:09

Name: Kit
Livejournal Username: katanisk
AIM/MSN: Phantastus
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Heather Mason (Silent Hill)

Name: Toothless
Series: How to Train Your Dragon (movieverse)
Timeline: Before Hiccup's final exam.
Canon Resource Links:
Wikipedia article on film
HTTYD Wiki article on Toothless

There is sort of a worldwide misconception when it comes to whether or not animals, even intelligent ones, have emotions or personalities beyond the basic instincts of 'LET'S EAT', 'LET'S SLEEP', 'LET'S FIGHT', and 'LET'S MAKE LITTLE VERSIONS OF US'. The general consensus is that they don't. This is especially true in the case of the Viking village of Berk, in which the human residents have spent many generations in a constant war-for-resources with some particularly large and dangerous pests: dragons. It goes without saying that the tribe's belief is that their scaly enemies are ruthless, dangerous beasts incapable of mercy or emotional attachments, with resident dragon experts even going so far as to say that "A dragon will always go for the kill."
The first living proof, courtesy of a young Viking who took the time to befriend rather than behead, that this 'fact' is all wrong is a dragon by the name of Toothless. And boy, does he prove it wrong.
A good comparison to make when describing Toothless's personality is that of a big cat. Despite the fact that he is a wild animal, Toothless is very intelligent and quick to pick up on new things-- including friendship in people who don't mean him harm. Although proud and strong, he has a healthy sense of curiosity and playfulness, which he freely demonstrates in front of anyone who earns his trust, which is surprisingly easy to earn considering a lifetime of needing to consider humans the enemy. Easily swayed by food and attention, Toothless is intensely protective of and affectionate towards those he has warmed up to, even if they still frequently get doses of his impressive stubborn streak or epic sulks. To use the cat metaphor again, he often displays his love with enthusiastic headbutts and purrs/croons. Toothless is also incredibly fond of new objects and experiences, and often gets very excited over the opportunity to explore unfamiliar surroundings-- or even familiar ones. He often displays a certain sense of childlike wonder towards the world around him, part of which has to do with the natural alertness he shows at all times. He will mimic behaviors he spots elsewhere, and gleefully pokes his nose all around new places provided he feels safe. Play is a huge part of his life and he frequently engages in it-- chasing, tumbling, and generally horsing around.
On that note, however, it is important to remember that he is still an animal-- and one who is used to being treated as a threat by all but a scant few humans, for that matter. Before he drops his guard and allows his excitement over new situations to take over, he is wary and cautious, often coming off as imposing-- a very real threat. Having led a perilous existence along with the other dragons, Toothless is used to living without any safeguards. Being a species primarily designed for fast, brutal surprise attacks, he prefers stealth over force (although he is not afraid to throw himself headlong into any fight if it's to protect a loved one, which he has not done yet as of the canon point I am taking him from, but is still at the point in his friendship with Hiccup that he would do it without question) and rarely shows fear or pain.
Like many wild animals, showing weakness can mean the difference between life and death, and as such, when suffering or terrified, Toothless shuts down and stares in silence rather than express vulnerability.
The big defining event in Toothless's life that allowed him to form the bond his canon is centered around is, of course, meeting Hiccup. This meeting was what first demonstrated to Toothless that not all humans would leap to 'Kill the beast!' at the first opportunity (similar to how he himself demonstrated the same thing to Hiccup), and thus it is through Hiccup that Toothless begins to show his previously-hidden (though not very far under the surface!) trusting and loyal side. This trust is so intense that against all instincts of survival, Toothless will even stop fighting to defend himself if told to do so by Hiccup-- which just goes to show how devoted Toothless can be to those who have earned his friendship-- or, for that matter, those who have earned Hiccup's.
Although Toothless is initially less than fond of many of Hiccup's fellow humans (admittedly mainly because they show ill will to both him and Hiccup), the strength of his trust is such that he is willing to give them more than one chance rather than holding a grudge. Despite his inability to talk, he displays a very sophisticated sense of justice to go along with his pride, and as such, usually comes around as soon as the party in question has expressed genuine, honest regret for any bad treatment they may have shown to Toothless or the ones he loves.

+ STRONG. Although Toothless will obviously not be as powerful as a human as he is in his own body, a lot of his natural athletic strength will carry over. HE AM WILD ANIMAL, and a fairly muscular one at that! His human form, although young, will have a bit of beef to it-- not dissimilar to the humans of his homeland.
+ SILENT. Well, figuratively-- being a Night Fury, a species of dragon designed primarily for speedy stealth attacks, Toothless will be very good at sneaking. He's lived his entire life needing to hunt and remain unseen in bad situations, so his skill at being stealthy is at a pretty high level.
+ LOYAL. When you befriend Toothless, you get not only a friend for life, but a faithful, protective bodyguard as well. Toothless will literally fight tooth and nail to defend the people he cares about.
+ STOIC. As is almost essential for anything living in the big bad wild, Toothless is very stoic when it comes to pain, illness, and fear. Although occasionally displaying alarm, his most common response to a truly dangerous situation is to go calm and silent. He is very good at controlling his emotions-- and may in fact need to be encouraged to show it when he's not feeling well.
+ ENDEARING. It's hard not to love anything that stares at you adoringly with big googly green eyes and purrs when it's happy. When in a good mood (and good company), Toothless is loving and affectionate. Although on that note...
+IMPOSING. When he's mad? He's mad. Although obviously his human form will not quite have the same presence as a toothy black reptile the size of a very large canoe, Toothless will still be rather threatening when angry. You can take the dragon out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the dragon.
+ INTELLIGENT. Even if he is an animal, Toothless demonstrates on many occasions just how smart he is. He can understand the humans' language easily and respond to it in understandable ways. He can also manipulate tools and mimic behavior (both practical and social) that he has observed from other beings-- something more commonly associated with apes and birds than reptiles!
+ CURIOUS. Toothless is eager to learn about the world around him. Even if it might get him in trouble sometimes, this openness to new knowledge and experiences will serve him well in the long run.

- HUMAN BODY OMG WTF BBQ?! Blunt teeth! Less-good vision! Weird noodle-limbs! No dragonbreath (except in the mornings after sleeping with his mouth open)! NO WINGS! NO TAIL! It's gonna take Toothless a long time to get used to his new human body, and he'll probably ALWAYS hate it. He'll be clumsy, a lot slower than he generally likes to be (until he perfects the art of running around on all fours on limbs that are NOT BUILT FOR IT), and generally very discombobulated. Worst of all, the option of flight, which had been diminished in canon but not absent entirely, is gone for good. That's going to be a pretty crippling blow to him, both physically and emotionally. Not to mention, wtf is up with these teeth that can't retract. :( He will be biting his tongue a lot.
- WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TALK OR WRITE. Although Toothless can understand human speech with a surprising amount of insight, he will not be able to speak-- at least not for a long time. His communication is largely going to be limited to body language, wordless noises, and possibly crude scribbled drawings in the dirt.
- INSTINCTS AND OTHER DRAGONY BEHAVIORS. Although instincts may often serve him well in the wilds of Johto, when you get right down to it, a lot of Toothless's normal behavior will come off as downright odd at best and unacceptable at worst while in a human body. No one expected him to wear clothing as a dragon, so why should he wear this nasty heat-trapping stuff all over him? Leaping onto someone and licking them thoroughly might be cute for an oversized axolotl, but not so much when it's a lanky human teenager. And let's not even get into his friendly gestures of sharing half-eaten food with people...
- MISCHIEVOUS. Let's get this out of the way right now: Toothless can be a big brat. Whether it's making people chase him around to get him to wear something (this may need to happen with pants) or just causing general mayhem, Toothless has a very mischievous sense of humor. This might start out cute, but it can get old fast. Not to mention, in his new human body, the potential for gleefully-obnoxious mimicry is at an all-time high.
-MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT. Dragons don't eat veggies. Everybody knows that. It might take some malnutrition (or forceful convincing) to get him to touch his greens instead of just living off whatever meat he can get. Also, it will take him many tries before ever accepting that he cannot eat Pokemon.
- OVERLY TRUSTING. Although Toothless can seem shut-off and wary at first, it's very easy to get on his good side... sometimes too easy. He's an innocent soul at heart and can easily be won over with treats and affection, even if his intuition might be telling him otherwise. On the other hand, once he's been wronged, he often will not warm up again until he receives a sincere apology.
- VERY PROUD. Although some of his behavior can seem very undignified indeed, Toothless does not take kindly to being embarrassed or spoken down to. He's got standards, yo. This can lead to misunderstandings and bad behavior on his part.
- SULKY. Toothless is somebody who always wants his way. Although he is willing to cooperate for the sake of people he likes (and in fact will go out of his way to sometimes), he can still be a great big Prince of Pout when things don't go according to plan.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Bagon
Password: Sunflower Seeeeds

First Person Sample:
[What's on the screen? Why, it appears to be a beautiful, high-definition view of the interior of someone's nostril.]

Mmmm? MMMM? Mmmmuhh? Mmmm mmm mm GRHHGHRGHRGH.

[The nose recedes, replaced by a crooked (and slightly blurry, because that is what happens when you rub your nose all over the screen) view of two enormous green eyes. ... And then the sky. And then the eyes again.]


[Looks like somebody's getting used to his new mouth. ... Which of course includes putting the PokeGear into it, giving viewers the lovely experience of viewing an uvula up close, in case they ever wanted to do that. Even if they did, they probably don't want to anymore.]

[Smeared with drool, the 'Gear is eventually pulled from his mouth again, this time showing his whole face. The black-haired teen smacks his lips a few times, looking down at the device with disgust. Hadn't really expected it to taste good, but it had been worth a try... He'd definitely heard it making noises and moving, though... and it's more complicated than anything he's ever seen before... Toothless knows only one person who can make things this complicated.]

MMmmmng. Guh. Kht. Khp kuhp kuhp. Hhh. Hhkp. PLTH.

[After blowing a raspberry in his disgust at how hard it is to make even regular noises with this weird, small, toothy mouth, he decides he'll just have to express his worry at this startling new situation another way. The 'Gear is promptly dropped, giving a sideways view of a pair of stubby hands clumsily clawing around in the dirt. Moments later? It's picked up again, because Toothless is proudly showing it (and therefore anybody watching) his work, which is a large tangle of incomprehensible squiggly lines. Toothless makes a proud, satisfied noise.]


[Now Hiccup will SURELY find him and find a way to make it all better again. c:]

Third Person Sample:
There were many, many things that Toothless did not like about this situation.

No, really-- he could not begin to number the things that he did not like about this situation, and that wasn't just because he was a dragon and therefore had never been taught formal addition. No, mostly because there were just that many.

Through dull, half-lidded green eyes, Toothless watched the other strangers who had arrived in that little cluster of houses pass by on the dusty road, on towards Odin-knows-where. This entire thing was just... frustrating.

He was frustrated with the fact that he was hungry.

He was frustrated with the way he, for some reason, couldn't get up those ledges and into the blessed shade of the trees, away from the sun-- which would normally have been pleasant and warm on his scaly hide, but now was making him feel singed on his soft, tender new skin.

He was frustrated with the way he couldn't see and smell as well as normal.

And most of all, he was frustrated with the way that the passing people did not see a large, noble black reptile, with mighty wings that stretched further than any bird's-- instead, they saw a stumpy, quite-muscular human teenager with spiky black hair that swept back from his head in remarkably ear-like tufts that were nonetheless nothing like his real head.

Toothless let out a grumbling sigh, pressing his new, clawless hands over his gut, which was a lot emptier than he wanted, and a lot noisier than he wanted, too. He was so hungry... this wasn't fair at all. Eyes straying over to the little carry-bag that had been shoved into his arms before he was chased from the house with the weird lady human in it, it occurred to him that it looked a little like a miniature version of the big, oblong baskets that Hiccup always brought him his lunch in...

The passersby hadn't previously paid much, if any, attention to the rough-looking teen on the side of the road, but now several stopped and stared at his retreating hind-end as he trudged along on his hands and knees, the bag sliding through the dirt ahead of him as he attempted to fit his entire head inside it.

ooc, application

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