I was intending for my
halfamoon contribution to be a post about the women in Doctor Who - and very quickly realised that could get very long and unwieldy, because the Doctor Who universe is not only enormous (thirty seasons and counting if you stick to the TV stuff alone; there are many hundreds of novels, comics and full-cast audio dramas) but it’s also got a ton of female characters who I adore, from bit-part characters with a few lines in a single episode to companions who spent years on the TARDIS.
The best way to go seemed to be a love thread/celebration thread,
of a type I’ve done before for the companions. This time it’s a post about all the women of the Doctor Who universe, companions or not, from the classic series, new series, the ‘middle school’ books/audios/comics stuff, Torchwood, and The Sarah Jane Adventures. It’s going to work in the same way as the post linked above: leave a comment with a character in the subject line, and people can respond with what they love about that character, their best moments or quotes, fic recs, drabbles, picspam, relevant links, or anything else. Any female character’s fine, though if it’s a minor character you might want to add the relevant episode title to the subject, especially if they share a name (I’m happy to squee over both Jenny from The Doctor’s Daughter and Jenny from Human Nature but we need to know which is which).
I’ll add a list of links to threads as they appear. I don’t want to dictate a bunch of rules for this, but it should go without saying this is meant to be a fun, positive thing on a comm that’s about celebrating women, so keep that in mind (“I love Mel, I don’t know why so many people hate her!” is a rhetorical statement, not a request for more information) and try not to passive-aggressively slam other characters while loving on your own (the difference between “Donna’s brilliant, I loved having a slightly older companion” and “Donna’s brilliant; finally, a companion who’s not a simpering schoolgirl”).
And… go!
New Who
Astrid Peth Donna Noble Jackie Tyler Martha Jones Rose Tyler Reinette/Madame de Pompadour Classic Who
Ace McShane Barbara Wright Dodo Chaplet Jo Grant Leela Liz Shaw Mel Bush Nyssa Peri Brown Polly Wright Romana I Romana II Susan Foreman Tegan Jovanka Victoria Waterfield Zoe Heriot Professor Amelia Rumford Torchwood
Gwen Cooper Suzie Costello Toshiko Sato SJA
Sarah Jane Smith Maria Jackson Rani Chandra Non-TV media
Alison Cheney Anji Kapoor Benny Summerfield Charley Pollard Erimem Evelyn Smythe Izzy Sinclair