My fanworks and recs: Sherlock

Feb 16, 2014 20:52

These are the women-centred fanfics I posted for Sherlock this year:

Mutually-assured seduction

Rating 18 (explicit femslash, threesome, role play, strap-ons, swearing)

Length: 14,400 words

Pairings: Molly/Anthea/Irene

Summary: Anthea sends Molly to find Irene and everyone gets more than they bargained for.


Rating 12 (non-explicit femslash)

Length: 221 words

Pairings: Ella/Anthea

Summary: There's normally a reason why Mycroft doesn't want his gifts and Anthea's now realising what it is.

Practice Makes Perfect

Rating 12 (non-explicit het)

Length: 221 words

Characters: Sarah Sawyer

Summary: Sarah is surprised to get a phone call about John after all this time.

Plus three recs for Sherlock Series 3 woman-centred fanworks by others:

The Ballad of Lady Smallwood by AJ Hall

Rating: U

Length: 1095 words

Characters: Lady Smallwood, Mrs Holmes, Janine, Irene Adler

Summary: Sherlock's exile doesn't end by coincidence.

The Smart One by fengirl.

Rating: U

Length: 800 words

Characters: Mycroft, Sherlock, Mrs Holmes, Mycroft's grandmother

Summary: Scenes from the childhood of Mycroft Holmes.

Confessions of a Sociopath by rude_not_ginger

Not rated/author choose not to warn

Length: 3400 words

Characters: Mary Morstan, John Watson, Sherlock Holmes

Summary: Inside Mary's head during "His Last Vow".

.fanfic, sherlock (bbc), .recs

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