My Fanworks: The X-Files and Fringe

Feb 16, 2014 08:05

These are the stories about women I posted during the last year.

The X-Files:

This is the first part of a series of post-eps I wrote for The X-Files episode "Demons." There are four sections so far. Part One is about Teena Mulder. The remainder are about the aftereffects of "Demons" on Dana Scully. Part Five will be posted to scully_fest on Dana Scully's birthday, February 23. It's not leading to MSR if that matters to you as a reader.

Hostage Situation (978 words) by wendelah1
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The X-Files
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Cigarette Smoking Man/Teena Mulder, Teena Mulder/Bill Mulder
Characters: Teena Mulder, Bill Mulder, Cigarette Smoking Man
Additional Tags: Collection: Purimgifts Day 1
Series: Part 1 of Demons
A character study/fill-in for episode 4.23 "Demons." An explanation for how CGB Spender became the biological father to Fox Mulder, and for why Samantha was taken instead of Fox.

I wrote this last year for
galentinesday, an exchange about women and friendship.

A Clock Stopped (3236 words) by wendelah1
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The X-Files
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Fox Mulder, Samantha Mulder
Additional Tags: Season/Series 07
"The last round of tests had been the worst yet." It's 1979. Samantha Mulder runs away.

And finally, this 155 word ficlet I just wrote for the Scully in 155 challenge I posted to scully_fest.

Title: The Message
Author: wendelah1
Rating: Gen
Warnings: none
Fandom: The X-Files
Summary: Dana Scully in 155 words, a post ep for "Beyond the Sea."


This was originally written and posted to

Arachnophilia (2525 words) by wendelah1
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fringe, The X-Files
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Alternate Mona Foster, Alternate Charlie Francis, Alternate Olivia Dunham, Alternate Lincoln Lee, Original Male Character
Additional Tags: Fringe Secret Santa
She wanted to help Charlie Francis. She just wasn't sure if she could.

There is one other story I wrote for
galentinesday--but it's still anonymous. There are a lot of new, great stories posted there. Check it out.

fringe, .fanfic, x-files

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