Feb 17, 2008 00:22
Glitch has half of his brain. The other half is literally gone, currently sitting in a vat of goo in a big dark tower. This is why there's that zipper on his head. Does he mind? Kind of! But he's had something around nine years to get used to it. Bring it up, sure, he'll talk. Well, more like snap about the subject. But he'll talk nonetheless. And yes, it is rude to pull down the zipper, and it's considered indecent if he leaves it open (although why you'd want to open it...?).
Pre-de-brainment, Glitch was a guy named Ambrose, head advisor to basically the queen of the world, and if you find yourself looking at a nifty gadget back where he lives, he probably invented it.
As GLITCH, he forgets who you are, what he was saying, what he was doing, where he was...yeah. Glitch has issues, so if he suddenly breaks off and asks who you are, that means he just glitched.
Glitching = Reset button on the brain.
Ambrose-ing = SUDDEN BURST OF AMBROSE, usually immediately followed by heavy, heavy glitching.