So, my computer is still out of commission. Because of that I only wind up checking
fandom_secrets a day after the last post was relevant, which spurs some... odd fits of impotent rage/sadness/irritation. The 4/20 secret post was absolutely RIFE with bitchy secrets related to people posting unanon on kink memes, by which I mean there were two of them, and I was
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But yeah, pretty much all of this comment. All of it. That's another thing I didn't touch on-- for those of us who WANT to follow the talented writers in the fandom, it makes it easier to find their other stuff-- or, fuck, just even their other stuff from the kink meme, which now has four different incarnations and both a delicious account and a separate LJ comm dedicated to tracking fills. It may be porn, and I guess you can make the argument that people shouldn't want to attach their names to that sort of thing (even though that's a stupid, kink-shaming, ridiculous argument but hnnnngh not going into that right now), but there's so much fic without smut in it on the meme now that yeah I just. Don't see that point, either ( ... )
I might be wrong, but I think one of the earlier posts even SAID something along the lines of "if you want to post fills deanoned that's great! but please try to stay anon in requests." Or maybe that was captchalogue. Either way it seemed a fuckton more reasonable than this "STOP HAVING FUN YOU GUYS" mentality that people have.
And I feel you on that point. I've met so many amazing people in this fandom, both online and IRL, either because a.) I wrote fic and they liked it and we started talking or b.) they wrote fic and I liked it and we started talking. I know so many more nice, lovely people now who make my life brighter just for being tangentially involved with them than I did before. So if anons want to call me 'egotistical' for wanting that, then fine. I'll just be over here enjoying the fruits of my labors, kthnx.
I know this argument has been done to death and people tend to eyeroll at it, but sometimes I honestly wonder if people are just jealous about the attention some fic writers receive. Because complaining about it and not wanting the same kind of attention these writers are getting doesn't make much sense to me. I mean, I guess I can understand if someone posts a fuckton of requests and never fills, but... the scroll bar. It's there. It's there staring you in the face with a lovely little 'Use me! Use me!' siren's call. Maybe this just perplexes me because I've been in fandoms where hardly anyone does any fic, and thus you had to, you know, write it yourself. So seeing people complain about things such as names being attached just seems so weird. Just be happy there's porn, people, lmfao.
Yep. You will have all the fruits and not even share, okay. All of them.
To be honest, I kind of feel that way too, which, you know, I understand that. I don't think I deserve half the credit/comments/small following that I get/have, and actually there are plenty of other anon and non-anon authors around the kink meme that I think should get more recognition and appreciation than they do. To be honest, I SUSPECT that because I tend to write popular pairings, especially John/Karkat which is the most overexposed thing in the fandom, to my great satisfaction, I get more exposure and therefore a large following bluh bluh etc. The solution to this is, of course, for other people, the complaining people, to just write what they want to see instead. If you're a good author, this fandom will be good about appreciating what you do no matter what pairing you write for. Maybe not as much as people with genius levels of talent like cephiedvariable or people like me who write ridiculously popular pairings, but that's what it's like in every fandom ever, ( ... )
And yeah, I wouldn't write at all if I didn't sincerely love John/Karkat and Dave/Terezi and the other pairings I ship and if I didn't love exploring the world and the relationship dynamics and etc. The fact that I can do so while also stretching my writing muscles and having fun and meeting people is just an extra bonus, and let's be honest, it's not even like I'm cluttering up the meme with my comment threads, since all of those are, gasp, on my own personal journal. So.
No, but you see, clearly you just want to be egotistical and get a ton of adoring fans fawning all over you and kissing your feet. Because that's obviously the only reason why you write fic, you horrible writer, you, how dare you post to your own journal. ... Yeah, I can't keep a straight face either. Agreed on all points.
(No problem, man. I have all that stuff still saved someone as well as new stuff too, so expect it.)
Also I love how this turned from bitching about anons bitching about not being anons (double reacharound oh god) into bitching about silly people on the kink meme in general. But I still love you, kink meme, you crazy diamond.
Pfffft. By the way you should finish some of that fic you were working on. And by some of it I mean all of it. Even the Karkat/Jade one which I find bluh but you should do it anyway and I will support you. I will support the fuck out of you okay.
God me too. I want to give everyone in this fandom a gigantic hug.
Except the bitchy entitled anons. They do not get hugs from me, nor would they want them. :|
Ahahaha, I keep on meaning to continue all of that junk, but I've got a crippling case of the lazies since like weeks ago, and I've noticed this pattern that when I start writing things, ultimately I end up getting new ideas and start writing those instead. And thus the old things never get finished. But I will get it done eventually and appreciate the support! ♥
They'll just have to live in a no-hug world, then, while we all embrace and write awesome porn and keep it all to ourselves.
Yeeeeeah I feel you there, bro. I used to be like that all the time and still am oh god. update schedules, what are those? But I love all of your writing forever and eagerly anticipate some of these things getting finished eventually perhaps maybe!
Awwwww, thank you, bb! It would help if I could just write some straight-up porn, because every time I tell myself it's just going to be some harmless smut I go and churn out some 5,000 word long thing with nothing porny in sight and get distracted because my attention span is kind of that awful.
Bro it took me nineteen thousand words to get to the porn in my first fill. I FEEL YOUR PAIN.
That just means your attention span is made of steel and is much stronger than mine, bro. Because holy shit that's still amazing to me. I would have given up, seriously.
I'm still amazed that the Revelations Cycle stuff is now up to 50,000 goddamn words and I am somehow still writing it, what is this even.
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