Hearts, stars, & horseshoes!!

Aug 15, 2007 03:21

haha lucky charms.
anyway. i'm sitting here.. and my insomnia has totally kicked it up a notch.. 3:23.. i should FOR SERIOUS be in bed.. i have lots of cleaning to do tomorrow.. but.. i don wanna go to bed.. *whines like 5 year old*
i have physical therapy tomorrow.. but other than that i'm all to myself.. i pretty much cleaned the hell out of the room here.. it looks nice. ish.
kinda cluttered. but hey, its how i roll.
i should work out or something.. do some yoga.. write, draw.. but i can't bring myself to draw anything worthwhile.. grrr
i could post about NYC.. but god thats gonna take longer than i'd personally like right now.. i sound whiney don't i? gah
oh! but on the good news front, i'm getting senior pics taken friday.. [!!!!]
i'm so excited.. and SO freaked out.. i can't believe i'm gonna be a senior.. its friggin crazy.
so.. if anyone is on right now.. tell me to write something.. i don't care what it is..[ok i do].. and i reserve the right to say.. oh hell no.. but other than that.. go right ahead.
oh! did you look at my icon? if not, do so now.. i stared at it for like 3 minutes just then.. its one sexxxxxxxy piccha.

oh, some job news.. our managerial staff is totally testosterone oriented. its pissin me off.
the only manager i like now is david.. he's freaking amazing.. like a dad.. ish
our new manager?[CHAD] TOTAL ASSHOLE.. seriously.. he just.. PISSES ME OFF.. constantly.
his voice.. ewwwwww it gives me chills literally.
and he has a fiance! DUDE SHE'S HOT TOO. its like fuckin twilight zone!
amber and i, [oh, did i tell you i turned amber? i did. :).. more later on that..] when she[fiance] came in.. we were like.. daaaaaang.. then he like goes up and kisses her on the cheek.. and we're like.... ...?wtf?... and brooke comes over and she's like.. yeah guys.. she's definately his FIANCE.. amber and i both looked at each other and amber goes.. shit man.. i thought he was gay? I LAUGHED MY DAMN ASS OFF.. OMG
it was hilaaaaarious.. i was thinking the same exact fucking thing.
yeah.. but he makes me mad. amber and i joke around a lot at work.. hah.. whatever you're thinking? multiply it by ten.. yeah thats us.
anyway.. she said something about bringing barr in on one of her breaks and chatting about BBall.. and i was like.. if you do that, i won't be able to focus on work.. and she makes a comment about something to do with math classs and me counting on my fingers.. and chad comes out and the first chance i get i flick her off.. of course she goes.. did you see that? she flipped me off! like jokingly.. and chad turns at me and i'm like.. i dunno what she's talking about.. i just work here.. and he turns toward amber and says, we need to work on her attitude.
WTF if he wants attitude he'll fucking get it.. he hasn't SEEN sttitude yet.. asshole.
amber was like.. yeah you can try. [under her breath] he definately didn't hear it.. but she told me she said it later.. i was like.. you know me too well..
but yeah.. i'm done rambling.. its gotta be boring sorry. lol
NIGHT..[although there wil be no sleep for me]

writing, senior pictures, amber, chad, barr, cleaning, work, insomnia, whining

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