I'd do anything to just feel better....

Aug 13, 2007 23:34

so.. since procrastination is my hobby.. [and i'm super good at it] i'm officially SCREWED
#1.. i STILL have to manually put about.. 1,000 songs onto my fucking i tunes cause i had to flippin DE-FRAG my comp and i deleted a tonnn of shit just so i could ( Read more... )

college, nyc, friends, navy, work, mom

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half_life33 August 14 2007, 04:27:03 UTC
i actually considered going to rutgers.. [haha]
my mom just wants to be able to freaking control me.. and that shit aint cool.. i understand your mom's point.. but i'm an only child!
like.. wtf?!
one of the reasons i don't likeosu is because of the close ness.. i mean to be honest, its a main one.. thiry mins MAX from where i am now? no thanks.
sadly its not the ONLY thing.. i mean, first of all, they don't have effing criminal justice. uh.. problem numero uno.
and the classes are like 250 PER TEACHER
i really don't like those odds.. i LOVE the buckeyes.. football, basketball, FH.. but other than that.. not so much for OSU.
yeah the navy will pay for my education.. i mean come onn.. 5 weeks of basic training? how hard can it be? not NEARLY as painful as pre-season with terri.. i'm as close to positive on that one as i'll ever be..
its just all physical training and mentally preparing.
i could do it.
and i'm trying to get into strength training this year.. hopefully i can.. its seriously 4 days a week you're excersizing.. and getting a GYM credit for it..
its crazy sick.
and doug's taking ST.. more incentive. :)
but guh..i need sleepp..
[[ i love the icon.. very apropriate:):) ]]


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half_life33 August 14 2007, 15:22:46 UTC
well, if i told my mom i wanted to be a cop she'd probably shoot me.
but its totally true.. she'd feel differently.. like she wanted to kill me.
or she'd just yell.. yeah

haha strength training [hopefully!] will be amazing.. i can't wait. i did yoga in school last year.. it was AMAZING.. i gained flexibility and muscle.. i wish i had the motivation to start again.. grr
its all good cause even though my shoulder is messed up they'll help me work with it.. wooooohooooo

doug id jusst a friend
he's dating my BEST friend.. and he's also the ONLY guy i feel comfortablt telling anything too. he's like a brother...but a really AWESOME brother.. haha

yay!!!! i get to be liv:):):):):)

(you can be liv in my icon :))


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half_life33 August 14 2007, 16:23:15 UTC
yeah.. we talk about pretty much everything.. its sweet..
my best friend and him have been going out for.. a year and a half about.. and he wants to marry her..
its adorable
even though he loves her, he's still willing to join the AF/Navy if i do to stick with me.. he's amazing


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half_life33 August 14 2007, 16:47:33 UTC
but there's this other guy whom i dated last year..? ish
a whiiiiile ago.. but he still RELLY likes me.. and i really dont like him like that..
but he's chosen me over manny maaaaaaannnyyy other girls.. even my other best friend.. [we're like the halliwells. haha there are 3]
and THEY dated for.. months and months.. although they were baddddd for each other.
but.. i still don't like him like that.
its sad.


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half_life33 August 14 2007, 18:32:25 UTC
well.. she kinda does.. we're stil friends, but she still likes him a LOT.. adn he wants nothing to do with her.
yeah.. we all used to hang out.. me, doug[coolest guy ever] abby[his girl], sam [other bff], and chris.. the guy. lol
now we can't all hang out, we have to purposefully not include someone.. and its usually sammi.. unfortunately

ooh!!! disney sounds funfunfun:):)
i love it there. its so fairytale ish. :P


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