Little Bitty Update

Oct 24, 2009 13:08

So, hello! I'm sitting here watching the buckeyes play Minn... They should be winning more but... whatever. My life is really not that interesting in college. LOL. I've been really busy... but not with school! Meeting crazy awesome people, seeing some cool people i've already met..(Elisa!).. but yeah that's really about it. My schedule for the next like month and a half is RIDICULOUS. Every weekend there is something... not that i have a problem with that!!!

For Halloween i'm going to Florida. (so, next weekend)
The two weekends after that are reserved for possibly a launch party and possibly stockton (to play football w/ my team).
Then the 20th I get to go to Maryland (again) to play football.
The next week/end is Thanksgiving
The weekend after THAT i'm going to Las Vegas!
That next weekend I'm *tentatively* going in to NYC with peeps to party/christmas party thing :)

That weekend is Dec 11th, so.. yeah i'm busy. Awesome busy... but then i have to add my school work onto that and i'm O_o.

That's about it. Im hungry so i'm gonna eat cold pzza. Probably hit the grocery store later... even though it's homecoming... whatever. :) OH but the filming for Venice is starting today :):) My Sis is ridic excited. seriously bouncing like a 5 year old on crack.... it's hilarious.
And now i G2G!
Chat 'all later!


college, venice the series, buckeyes, busy busy busy, football, svu

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