Don't shit your pants... i'm ACTUALLY UPDATING

Sep 22, 2009 17:32

Today I was thinking, shouldn’t I be catching up with things I've so easily dropped? This blog for example, an unfinished tale of nothing. Not that it will ever be finished since it has no beginning and no foreseeable end, but I digress, I cannot just leave it open and floating in space, so here we go.

Since the last time I updated [so very long ago] I have found a huge “fandom” in the recently ended Guiding Light. Let me just share exactly how this wonderful show has affected me. Finding it through a friend, I was so against soap operas. Not really against actually more like, I thought it a waste of time, but oh how I was wrong. I will get so much shit for this, which is fine, but I totally fell in love with this soap. Let me back up. What originally drew me to it was the storyline of Otalia. Oalia, if you don’t know is technically a couple, Olivia and Natalia. To me, it is more than that. This was a beautifully told and brilliantly acted story of two women, two OPPONENTS, finding friendship and eventually love with each other. In their process of figuring out their feelings, I figured out mine. For the show, of course. Let me just say here that I KNOW it’s a soap opera. I realize some people on soap operas cannot act, or over act, but let me just say definitively, right now, that Crystal Chappell CAN act, and she did, every week. Sure the production model was ghetto, but hey, it kept GL on the air, and gave birth to Otalia. Back to that.

I don’t really broadcast it, but I am a sickly sweet romantic person. I don’t think I’m ever going to find another to share that with me, but I’m totally fine being alone. It’s easy and it’s fun, and I can do pretty much whatever I want… but watching these two portray their characters and do it so well was just fantastic for me. As a young [really young D:] lesbian, life really isn’t that easy. To be honest things never look that good for us for the future, and unless you can social network online [like this site, or twitter or what have you] and find some support. I really don’t feel like that’s going to change any time soon, so getting to know the people of this fandom, chatting with them on twitter, and meeting them has been an immense pleasure. I know that I’ve seriously bonded over this pairing and that I have a support system if I ever need help with anything, or just hugs if something goes wrong. This group of people is sincerely amazing, and without the show I would not know any of them. For that Guiding Light, I Owe You One.

Now onto something else GL has introduced me to, Venice. Venice is not a location [ok, well it is technically] but it’s a new web series created by, whom I call on twitter the three musketeasers, Crystal Chappell, Kim Turrisi, and Hope Royaltey. These women are basically the trifecta of power. They have been interviewed on CNN & CBS, and have had way too many written interviews to even count.

{although, mindschmootz does the best.}
Here is the CC interview
Kimmy and Hope one

This new webseries has so much potential, and I believe Kimmy [the writer] has put all of her heart and soul into this project. Venice debuts in November, but please join the insanity on Hope and Kim are both members of their brilliant online community [created by the web mastermind Hope], and they are both very friendly and eager to answer questions.

As one last shameless plug for Venice, here are videos that the Teasers shot while in New York a while back and have slowly been releasing…. Follow them on Youtube for updates!
Part 1
Part 2

Also, become a fan of Venice the Series on Facebook!!!

Now, I understand I have said very little, but very much so I’ll wrap it up with what I did this summer, list form.

· Twitter & GL

· Spent time in the Bahamas for my birthday

· Spent time in Florida, NJ, Ohio, Texas, and drove through the hellish Pennsylvania.

· Now back at school.

Seriously, that is it. I promise to update more often, thank you for reading and seriously,check out Venice!!!!

college, venice the series, crystal chappell is a goddess y'all, summer, guiding light

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