You Are a Convertible
You're playful and carefree. You are lighthearted in all aspects of your life.
Life is short and you act accordingly. You don't worry, and you try to bring fun into other people's lives.
You love feeling free, and you don't do well with rules or restrictions. You need to be able to do your own thing.
You feel more alive than most people. You can really savor the little things in life, like feeling the wind in your hair.
What Type of Car Are You? __________________________________
I wish I didn’t worry today! My day has gone to ass. My teacher gave us a paper that we have to read a whole other book for.. ON TOP of the HUGE 10 page paper we have due on April 23rd for which I have to read TWO books and do an interview with an Iraq war veteran… whom we haven’t been assigned yet b/c she’s having trouble finding enough. That same day I have another 10 pg paper for sociology due. And we’re starting a new paper in English… 5+ pages. And we still have another paper to go. Today I have a math test that I can’t bring myself to study.
So, should I travel to New York and jump off the Brooklyn bridge? The Tri-borough bridge? Or should I just drive my car into the ocean here? It seems like today sucks for everyone though. So maybe I should just SUCK IT UP.
In some good news, SVU is on tonight… but if Smarch isn’t on it for more thatn 15 minutes I’m gonna kill a bitch.