We can and we DID

Nov 05, 2008 00:45

i'm so motherfucking happy right now. i really think obama can help us!!

THREE major problems.

1. the amendment 2 from florida that's banning EVERYTHING but marriage between a man and a woman looks like it will pass. not only does this totally fuck up gay marriage, it fucks up domestic partnerships and civil unions between HETEROSEXUALS as well as HOMOSEXUALS. EVERYONE is getting fucked over there tonight. over 85% are reporting and it needs 60% maj to pass... right now it has 62%. there's nothingwe can do but pray.

2. the ARIZONA defining gay marriage looks like it will pass. they're almost 85% there too.

3. the california Prop 8 is currently for-55% against-45%. they're only 13% reporting right now and i hope to god something changes.

this is just from MSNBC.com so there is a margin for error. but about the presidency? i couldn't be happier. he was the change we needed and although i was VERY nervous, it all turned out for the best :)

election 08, politics, obamarama, icons

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