Weird day and Halloween weekend.

Nov 04, 2008 00:39

Happy November 4th officially!
On Thursday the football team [my flag team] threw a party because if we’d party on fri, the next morning would be hell. More on that later. I dressed up like a hippie… pictures are in an earlier entry… and that’s from that party. I’ve realized I totally OWN beer pong when I’m drunk. Like, dude I’m fucking unstoppable. Ditto with baseball- my newest FAVORITE beer game- un.stoppable. its fuckin nuts. Frank and I beat reigning champs that were like 19-0 5 times. 5 TIMES. And we kicked their asses in baseball, 8-1. Yeah we owned them.
So that was that party. I got really fucked up and class the next day was waaaay too early for my liking. Heh. 11:30. I was out really late. Anyway the next night [Friday] I told my friend ally I’d go with her and shayna to her party. Shayna has her own house with her boyfriend who is a higher up in TKE, a frat on campus.. so he got pledges to drive us home :-D. anyway, the party was awesome. I met these ballin ass Mexican guys whom I drank Jungle Juice with… AFTER 3 rounds of beer pong of course, some awesome jello shots, and a shot of whiskey, so I was a little messed up already [ally doesn’t drink beer so I just drank for her during pong… BAD FUCKING IDEA] jungle juice is an INFAMOUS drink on campus… just weird actually. It’s everclear, rum, vodka and fruit punch.. surprisingly enough, I couldn’t taste the alcohol at ALL, so I drank a full cup… another reeeeeallllyyyy bad idea.
And so the next day, waking up at 6:30 was not fun. I was verrrrry sick, and it was the FIRST thime I’d ever been hungover. NOT FUN.
We did well in football and this coming weekend we’re going to Maryland to play more.

NOW. WTF is happening with greys anatomy?@?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? SERIOUSLY?!? Firing Dr. Hahn and now callie is leaving? W.T.F?

I hope she does leave and finds another show that better showcases her talent. I have nothing against Broadway but she's way too good to just stop with TV. I also hope T.R. gets offended by this as well. -on a message board

When did you find out?
I found out in mid-September soon after shooting the monologue that aired last week where Erica has the revelation that she's gay. They even came down and told me it was a great scene -- one of the best they ever shot on the show. So I was really, really shocked. I was floored when they told me [I was being let go]. It was the last thing I expected. In fact, when they told me I asked, "When is this happening?" And they said, "The [next episode] is your last," which is the one that airs this Thursday. So it was very sudden.

Wait a second - your last episode is this Thursday?

How are you written out?
I'm not written out. My final scene is just me heading to my car. I honestly don't know what happens in the next episode. I heard not much

I hope T.R. throws a conniption fit. Fucking ABC. Stupid suits are getting too nervous with the lesbians so.. hey! Let’s fire them both! I cannot believe this. You have no idea about how pissed I am right now.

Also, the election… if John McCain wins and Sarah Palin becomes vice president, I’m not talking to anyone for at LEAST 5 days because I WILL kill them. SP scares me. She scares ME. Her views are fucking ridiculous and the only reason she would get a vote would be for sympathy. And really, if she wins I don’t think I’m going to want to live in the US anymore. She’s really going to singlehandedly set all of the rights the people before me have been fighting for, FOR this generation. We are VERY privileged and I’m honored about how much these people have fought for us. [gay marriage, equality for everyone, abortion, womens rights, etc etc] and she’s going to fuck it all up.
It scares me.
PLEASE vote people. this cannot happen…. And if you’re voting for mccain, don’t tell me.
God my day has been weird.
On another note, I can’t wait to go home for thanksgiving [I can’t believe I just typed that.] also, mom took jim back. >:-(

election 08, college, thanksgivng, party, reasons why i strongly dislike jim, football, mom

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