(no subject)

Oct 16, 2008 15:05

so, my mom texted me this morning...
jim was cheating on me. so he's going. won't be pretty. i am fine. just ignore him.

ok... well i knew he was a total asshole from the moment i saw him, and i told everyone that would listen, all the time.. but not my mom. i kind of voiced my concern to my mom but not overbearingly so...
i guess i have a good judge in character.
here's what hapened... [i'm on the phone right now]
he wanted her to check his email and she did.. well she accidentally deleted some of hers, but then opened the wrong deleted thing.. and there were emails from this asshole and some chick in conneticut. well my mom calls him and they talk and he gets defensive about trust.. after he'd blatantly lied to her over the phone.
well so she naturally snoops around then.
and finds amancda this OTHER girl he was going to dinner with in alabama.
AND he's in the middle of a divorce.. and i guess he's sent his ex roses on their anniversary.. and they were "reconciling".... so...
she called the wife and the wife is crazy.. thinking they're getting back together and trying to fix herself for him.
then he's emailing her trying to get back and my mom is having NONE of it.
yeah they broke it the fuck off.
and my mom changed his email password to asshole :-D
well. i think she's gonna be ok.
i'll keep you posted.
*if he fuckin calls me i'm going to assault him over the phone.*

reasons why i strongly dislike jim, wtf?, mom

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