SVU: Swing

Oct 14, 2008 23:02

aka the Stabler Family Drama.

i believe kathleen stabler needs death. plz and thx.
also, can i just say that whoever played el's mother did a fucking amazing job?! please? she was AMAZING
some fave quotes.....

"olivia! come swing with me!"
"uhh, thats probably not the best idea sweetie"

"i can see why you scare the pants off kathy"

"maybe god remembered how cute you were as a carrot...."

or maybe olivia benson saved your ASS

yeah. i hate this mariska/chris show thing :-p
although, i'm SO glad they didn't overplay E/O or i would havecut my wrists with a spoon.
also, chris is sposed to be on leno[?] tonight... WOO!!!
and mel told me that the previews for nxt week include marish in a pink dress and BLONDE WIG?! upload plz?!??!??!??!!? thx :)
goodnight all :)


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