Section IV: Dykes. No partial credit.

Jul 11, 2004 10:31

Answer the following multiple choice questions. Use a number 2 pencil, and be sure to fill in your answer circles completely.

1. Which dyke is currently housesitting for a Husky who's afraid of loud noises?
a. Melissa Etheridge
b. Mary Cheney
c. Maria Irene Fornes
d. beths_stanley2. Which dyke was woken up by aforementioned Husky by ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

eal July 11 2004, 20:59:23 UTC
I was doing fine with all of this -- and I know who all of these people are except: Maria Irene Fornes and Muffin Spencer-Devlin. Care to enlighten?



half_double July 12 2004, 09:52:34 UTC
Maria Irene Fornes is a Cuban-born American playwright, one of my favorites of our era. She wrote, among other things, Fefu and Her Friends, Mud, and Sarita. You have not encountered freak-ass feminist theater 'til you've seen Fefu.

Muffin Spencer-Devlin is a professional golfer. In 1996, she became the first active member of the LPGA tour to come out.


eal July 14 2004, 11:16:27 UTC
Thank you!!

I guess I've never encountered freak-ass theatre :)



half_double July 14 2004, 14:40:51 UTC
Freak-ass feminist theater, Marcie. I'm sure you've encountered plenty of other freak-ass stuff in your literary wanderings.


trueenough July 12 2004, 20:15:41 UTC
Heh heh heh. You said "proctor." Heh heh heh.


half_double July 13 2004, 07:56:36 UTC
Ah. I see we're going for intellectual humor today. Excellent.


shoshannagold July 12 2004, 21:05:24 UTC
You are so totally the funniest thing ever! Poor puppy! Poor Stan!


half_double July 13 2004, 08:01:12 UTC
Last time there was a storm while I was there, she ran through the electric fence & I damned near strangled her trying to drag her back to the house. Where she thought she was going, I don't know - trying to outrun the thunder, maybe? I got off lightly this time. Frankly, the cat did more damage to me; PF & I will play a rousing game of 'find the places claws drew blood' when she gets home tonight.


riverrocks July 12 2004, 21:18:22 UTC
Yup. Been there. Well, actually, it was Fourth of July six blocks from Powderhorn Park with neighbors who felt that the big show over the pond was just the beginning of a long night of firecracking fun and a 75 pound standard poodle whose abject terror of loud noises lead her to believe that the safest place in the world to be was under the pillow where I just happened to be resting my head, but I definitely have felt your pain.



half_double July 13 2004, 08:07:08 UTC
Pillows! That's it exactly. Things wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't decided that my pillow needed to be her pillow, too. Throw pillows were not meant for human & canine to share.

You, of course, still hold the world's record for bizarre petsitting stories. Because you've been up to your armpits in nipping ferrets! And that dog ate - what was it, a scarf? What a fascinating life you lead!


riverrocks July 13 2004, 08:55:42 UTC
And that dog ate - what was it, a scarf?

In the nine years I've been taking care of him, that particular dog has eaten (or swallowed whole, actually) a leather glove, a winter scarf, three mittens, five socks and a pair of underwear. These are just the things I've had to deal with. In the last couple of years, he's taken to dismantling books and swallowing them one crumpled page at a time. It is terribly painful to see this happen to the printed word, but at least it's easier on the petsitter front (the books just work their way through--gloves and scarves and socks require some intervention).

What a fascinating life you lead!

I suppose if my life has to be something, fascinating isn't bad (it's certainly not profitable). Perhaps I should write a book. ::grin:: Got any title ideas?


half_double July 13 2004, 09:39:00 UTC
Got any title ideas?

I'm very much in favor of Up to Your Armpits in Nipping Ferrets. But I'm sure you knew that by now.


before July 13 2004, 14:54:00 UTC

You're GAY?!



half_double July 14 2004, 10:53:09 UTC
What?!? I am?!? Oh, the humanity!


before July 14 2004, 12:57:47 UTC
Ahh! No! Consensual love!

I never see you. You want to hang out, get some sort of friendship thing going?



half_double July 14 2004, 14:39:30 UTC
Gosh, I don't know. You're one of types. My mommy warned me about people like you.


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