Batchin' It: Days 3 and 4

Feb 21, 2011 14:49

Saturday I ate too much, drank too much (though not as much too much as I thought I would), and talked too much. It was great.

The day started when I got up at 6:15 to feed the cats and couldn't get back to sleep. I threw some clothes on and took myself to breakfast at a place I'm loath to name, because they're crowded enough already, and I'm feeling possessive. allrightcolossalcafehappynow?

When I got home, I made a half-assed start at cleaning my study. Mostly I petted the cats a lot and shuffled some books around. Then it was time for lunch with fayde and sinister_dr_x, wherein I gorged myself further (and drank the world's sweetest horchata).

After lunch, my cleaning efforts ramped up to three-quarters-assed, even while spending a goodly chunk of the time on the phone with a fellow Witchcamp bachelor. I slipped a little dinner in there, then the generous avatarofchaos arrived to ferry me to the tiki party. The joke was that, since leorathesane couldn't make it, I was supposed to drink her share. I got off to a good start, downing two in about an hour (if you know how strong xcorvis makes tiki drinks, you will agree that this is a good start), but I kept having interesting conversations and forgetting to refill, so by the time I left with ytinas, I was sober (in some circles, arriving at a party with one beautiful woman and leaving with another is the badge of ultimate success, but for me it means that my friends are awfully nice).

I came home; the cats groused at me for being late with snack; then they curled up at my feet while I wrote in bed, being completely adorable and leaving me with no place to lay down when I was ready to sleep. Awww. I love you bastards, too.

I followed up my Saturday of excess with a Sunday of austerity. Like you do. Neither food nor language did I consume. No eating, reading, or talking. The loudest sound I heard all day was the sewing machine whilst I made myself a kick-ass brown pinstriped apron that made me want to rush into the kitchen and make something messy. Then I remembered that fasting and baking are not friends, and I went back to my stillness and contemplation. The only good thing about the seventy yards of snow that fell during the course of the day was that it lent the whole world a muffled silence. It was lovely.

I broke my food fast with soup and a scone and my language fast with Mrs. Brown. After that I bopped around, caught up on teh Interwebz, and generally lazed. And went to bed too late. Again.
I do believe that my beloved is on her way home right now. I'm going to go ahead and assume she's fine unless told otherwise. She should be home by the time I get there tonight. And then, Pip, what larks (and by "larks", I mean naughty things which cannot be spoken of here).

paganism, felis domesticus, foodventures, tangleroot, leora

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