Batchin' it: Day 1

Feb 18, 2011 08:40

Yesterday morning, I bid leorathesane a heartfelt but surprisingly tear-free farewell and packed her off to the wilds of Wisconsin for the next five days. Of course I miss her like the Dickens (wordily), but I am determined to make use of the time for reflection, self-care, and mushrooms.

I was doing really well until my drive home. I'd had a particularly amusing day at work, and I couldn't wait to get home and share it with Leora. Remembering that she wouldn't be there left me feeling a bit flattened.

But I rallied 'round by eating some mushrooms and then biffing off to the Black Dog Café, where I met up with birdfigment and alisgray to watch Orkestar Bez Ime, as is their wont, be amazing. (Note to self: no coffee after 5:00 p.m. "Decaf" is a relative term.)

After the show, I came home and, despite my exhaustion, puttered around for an hour avoiding the bed, because it looked so danged huge. Even after I climbed in, real sleep was about an hour in coming (though I suspect this is more related to the coffee than the separation anxiety). I was lucky, though, that the hugeness issue resolved itself when the cats pinpointed and commandeered the bed's exact center. (They, by the by, are ill-pleased by the shakeup of the domestic order. Mister Brown has been whiny and aggressive; Cassia has thrown up three times in the last 24 hours. So, yeah. That's going well.)

Tonight it's Leave. And possibly more mushrooms.

music, felis domesticus, foodventures, leora

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