The day of birth

May 19, 2010 11:57

Yesterday (May 18) was my birthday. I had Plans for my birthday. They involved a little black dress I've had my eye on, ice cream cupcakes from Izzy's, lunch with leorathesane, and something awesome for dinner, which I would choose from any number of recipes that have been sitting around our kitchen for years waiting for "a day when I had more time". These Plans were all going to be done car-free and in a pretty dress.

These Plans hinged on my understanding that, as May 17 was the last day of the legislative session, it would also be my last day of work.

This was not, in fact, the case. The legislature adjourned on Monday, but I adjourn tomorrow (May 20), so as to aid session-end clean-up measures as needed.

Did I despair? Did I wail and gnash my teeth, rend my garments and sunder my flesh? Of course not! I made other plans. Lowercase "p" plans. But awesome plans nevertheless.

I managed the car-free day. I managed the pretty dress (brand new, no less, acquired for $4 at a garage sale). "Lunch out" + "awesome dinner at home" merged into "awesome dinner out at Gandhi Mahal, possibly the best restaurant in the world" (currently beating other contenders due to its easy accessibility by bike). I do not have a little black dress or ice cream cupcakes, but they are but delayed, not missed forever.

Plus, you know, I got paid for my birthday. Thus do I declare The Birthday of 2010 to be a Big Win!!!

bucycling, longfellow, cubelandia, aubey, foodventures, leora

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