Party hats

May 08, 2010 10:04

In our office hallway is a painting of a bunch of little kids in late '50s/early '60s style clothes standing in front of a group of creepy old white guys in black robes, a.k.a. the MN Supreme Court. Over the course of session, the people in the picture (or rather, the glass in front of the people in the picture) have slowly been accumulating accoutrement made of Post-it notes: yellow party hats, blue sunglasses, neon green ties, a can of Diet Coke. The Revisor finally noticed it this week and asked our class clown if it was his doing. He copped to moving one of the hats from a kid to a justice but denied everything else. In the end, our angry hipster vegan (who, for some reason, hates me) confessed, which surprised me, as she seems not to have much of a sense of humor. I love the idea of her wandering down the hall, maybe coming back from the bathroom, and casually sticking a beret on an awkward little girl in a floral-print sundress. Apparently, the Revisor loves the idea, too, because we all expected her to take them down, or order them taken down, but she seems rather tickled by the improvements. Looks like they're there to stay - or at least through the end of the Session.

Party hats. Can't get through this job without 'em - even if they're only made of Post-its.


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