SO much to say, so MUCH to say, so much TO say, so much to SAAAAY

Nov 12, 2008 10:45

If that song is now stuck in your head, you may thank me later.

1. Last night I dreamed that HarperCollins published a novel I'd written. I didn't get a look at the title, but the story was Pillars of the Earth meets The Karate Kid. (No, come on, now; let's pause and really think about that.) They'd published it without ever letting me look at a galley; it was full of typos and things I'd really wanted to take out. They left out the first half of my last name entirely, and the second half they spelled "Wientib." jenett also had a book published by them. They spelled her name "Jemmet," and, because they weren't OK with publishing without a last name, they randomly assigned her the surname "Tungsteth." Our books were popular with women's science fiction/fantasy book clubs.

2. Pointed out to me by leorathesane: Everybody was monk-fu fighting. Extra funny to me because I've been there. It seemed like the kind of place where monks would beat each other silly.

3. Oh, yeah, I'm doing NaNo, aren't I? Um...updates...I'm at 27,377 words and am still in their first day at the first place they're going to. Can you say "epic"? The words are flowing like things that flow fast, and I think the basic structure is sound, but I've never written anything where I've comprehended, as I'm writing, the sheer magnitude of the rewriting and revising that will be needed for Draft 2.

5. Snow! Pretty, pretty snow. Can anyone else remember the last time it started falling this early? 'Cause I sure don't, and I've lived here for twelve years. That statement, um, made me feel old. I should surrender and start all my sentences, "Back in my day..."

6. Green Gifts Fair this Saturday from 10-5. Fire in the Hand is one of the vendors to be on hand, so, really, what more do you need? Be there!

nano, nonfiction, dreamtime, envirobabble, fiction writing

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