H50 fic: Blinking Against the Distance 2/5

Aug 03, 2012 23:44

Title: Blinking against the Distance, Part Two
Pairing/Characters: Steve McGarrett/Adam Noshimuri, Steve McGarrett/Chin Ho Kelly (past); also features Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly and Joe White in the present
Genre: Angst, Porn with Plot
Word Count: 3528 this part
Rating: NC-17 this part
Warnings/Spoilers: Some spoilers up to and including 2.14
Disclaimer: I have no rights; I make no money
Beta: The always willing and able siluria. Without your encouragement and help, this would not be half the story it is, my dear. Also thanks to kaige68 for being so supportive!
Summary: Steve finds himself getting in over his head when he meets Adam Noshimuri with a view to finding out more about the Yakuza's involvement with his mother's death and about the mysterious Shelburne.
Author’s Notes: This was written during and after Adam Noshimuri's initial appearance in S2 - up to and including S2.14; all the action takes place around that time. I have altered canon in several places to make this story work, so consider it an AU, although small scenes from the show do make an appearance from time to time. Apologies to anyone who likes canon to remain as it appears on the show.

NB: This fic can also be read here at AO3

"What's he doing here?" Chin asked, screwing up his eyes in question.

"Who?" Danny craned his neck to see, and Steve's heart sped up. He tried not to let it show, keeping his movements deliberately slow as he straightened up from where they'd been studying the car that a body they thought might be Hiro Noshimuri's had been found.

"Adam Noshimuri," Chin told Danny, glancing at Steve with a frown.

"He's the guy you ran into the other day asking about his father, right?"

Steve nodded but said nothing, finally looking towards Adam as the man picked his way across the trash-strewn lot where the car with the body had turned up.

"How did he know to come here?" Chin asked.

"I called him," Steve admitted.

"You what?" Danny gave Steve an incredulous look. "Why would you invite the man's son here?"

Steve scowled at Danny and ignored Chin's raised eyebrow. "I know what it's like to lose someone like this. He asked for my help to find his father, and he deserves to know what happened."

"We don't even know what happened, Steve. It may not even be Noshimuri; the body's a mess. What were you thinking?" Danny looked ready to start a rant, but Steve just shook his head and headed in Adam's direction, uncaring what Danny or Chin might be thinking.

"Adam. I'm sorry it turned out like this; I've had people asking questions everywhere since you asked me to find him. I… I hoped it wouldn't end like this."

"Steve." Adam looked haggard, but still more attractive than he had a right to. "I knew as soon as you called; before that, if I'm honest. He would… he would have been in touch before if he was alive. Do you have any leads?"

His voice sounded shaky, and Steve flicked a glance back at his team and the crime scene investigators with them, wondering if he'd done the right thing. "No, nothing yet, although we've got some items of interest from the car. Hopefully, we can trace something from them. I… " He stopped, unsure what he could say to ease Adam's obvious pain, though the man was trying to be stoic.

"What?" Adam swallowed and gazed over Steve's shoulder. "Anything I can help with?"

"That's not his car, is it? I'm not sure you need to get any closer."

"No, it's not. Have they… taken his body away already?"

Steve nodded. "A few minutes before you arrived. Look… maybe I shouldn't have called you so soon. He hasn't been positively identified yet. I… it's not normal procedure to inform the next of kin by telephone, and I was out of line."

Adam shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I asked you to call as soon as you knew anything, and you didn't tell me; I guessed. You wouldn't have kept me away anyhow. I more or less forced you to tell me where. But… if they've taken him away, I should…" Adam stopped, pushing his hair back against the breeze. He blinked several times and turned his eyes skyward for a few moments before focusing back on Steve.

"I'm sorry," Steve murmured, pain filling his chest. He wasn't sure if it was because of the reminder of his own father's death or sympathy for Adam in his distress. He put a hand on Adam's shoulder, frowning as he squeezed lightly.

Adam nodded at him and looked away again. "Where… where have they taken him? I'll have to identify him, won't I?"

Steve wished like hell he could spare the man from having to do that, but he was right. "Shriner's Hospital. Take your time. I… I'll gather whatever we find and call you later, okay?"

Adam nodded again, and then licked his lips. "You'll come by? I'd like it if you did."

"Are you sure?" Steve took his hand back and looked over his shoulder. Chin and Danny were on the other side of the car, talking about something Danny had in his hand, but they were watching him, although they were trying not to be obvious. Steve knew, though. They probably wondered what on earth he was pulling. God forbid that they should work it out, although he had a sinking feeling that Chin wasn't fooled. He turned back as Adam replied.

"I'm sure. My family are… not exactly the warm and friendly sort, and I'll be alone tonight. Someone might come from Japan tomorrow but… please?"

Steve nodded. He wasn't sure it was wise, but considering the man's anguish, he didn't see how he could refuse. He hoped Adam wasn't going to regret it, or worse still, decide this was somehow Steve's fault.

He hadn't told Adam about Joe's involvement with Hiro's disappearance, and while Steve didn't think Joe had had anything to do with Noshimuri's death - if it was him - he still had a lingering fear that he might have. The car the body was found in wasn't Joe's, but that didn't mean anything. Despite all Steve knew about Joe, too much was still unexplained, and he was beginning to get a bad feeling about the whole Shelburne thing, especially Joe's part in what had happened so far.

"I need to get back to things, Adam, okay? Go home if you need to before you go to the morgue. I'll let them know to expect you for the ID."

He wanted to touch Adam again, but he didn't dare with Chin's eyes so watchful in the distance. Danny was way too observant too - he had to have already worked out there was more than a little strangeness to Steve's behavior today.

"Thank you, Steve. I… I'll talk to you later." Adam turned away, the sag of his shoulders making him seem smaller as he made his way back towards the road.

Steve watched him get into his car, brows creased and heart heavy. He didn't even hear Danny until he spoke behind him, making him jump.

"A rough way to find out your father might be dead, huh? Although…"

"Yeah," Steve managed, his heart thumping.

Danny just looked at him for a moment, like he was figuring out what was going through Steve's head. "You wanna find some coffee or something?"

"I'm okay, Danny. Let's just finish up here."

Danny raised an eyebrow, and then scratched the side of his nose, looking away. "It's bound to bring up memories, Steve. You don't have to pretend with me. If you need some time…"

"I don't need any time, Danny. I'm fine." Steve scowled at Danny and stomped back in the direction of the car where Chin and the crime scene investigators were still busy with something.

Chin stood up as Steve approached, exchanging some kind of look with Danny over his shoulder that Steve ignored. "Have you got something?"

Chin threw him a concerned look, but didn't say anything about what had just taken place. "Yeah, looks like the murder weapon might be something we've seen before."


The explosion in the car, it turned out, was so similar to the way Laura Hills was killed that it couldn't be coincidence. Wo Fat had to be responsible. Steve frowned in thought as he drove towards Adam Noshimuri's home in the dark. But why would he kill Hiro Noshimuri? Weren't they on the same side?

Steve parked the truck and climbed out, unsurprised at the sight of the bodyguard at the door. He wondered how this was going to work, but he kept that to himself as he nodded at the man and told him his name. Surprisingly, he was ushered inside without question, and then Adam appeared from a room at one side, looking immaculate and relaxed in cream trousers and a deep blue shirt. He was barefoot, and Steve couldn't help glancing at his long, elegant feet before meeting his eyes.

Not quite so relaxed then: there were lines around his eyes that gave away the strain.

"Commander McGarrett. Come through." Adam gestured for Steve to go into the room he'd just exited and turned towards the heavy. "That will be all for tonight, Jin Lee. You can leave after you've turned the alarms on."

Jin Lee gave Steve a dark look, but nodded and disappeared somewhere behind them.

Steve looked at Adam, unsure.

"Don't worry, Steve. He's loyal to me, and although he may have his suspicions, he knows nothing about us."

Steve nodded, his frown deepening as Adam gestured again. He followed the direction indicated and found himself in a comfortable, spacious living area with a view out over a lanai leading to a private beach. Moonlight made it beautiful, although it was obvious it would be perfect any time of the day or night.

"Have a seat. Would you like a drink?"

Steve nodded as he sat down on the wide, black leather couch.

"Wine all right?" Adam moved behind a small bar in one corner and pulled a bottle of something out of a chiller behind it.

"Yes. How did it go?"

Adam poured two tall glasses and came over to hand one to Steve before sitting in the matching armchair opposite.

"You probably already know the body was unrecognizable." Adam tried to smile but his tension was showing. "They'll match records if they can and let me know more in a day or two."

"I'm sorry. I should have waited before I called you. I just… I know how it was when my own father…"

Adam nodded and took a sip from his glass. Steve breathed out slowly and drank too.

"This is good. Thank you. Your family are coming anyway?"

"No. I didn't call them in the end. There seemed little point until we're sure. It may not even be him."

Steve swallowed more wine and looked about nervously. "Your home is beautiful."

"It's temporary… or was to be, but now…" Adam sipped more wine and then put down his glass. "I haven't found anything that mentions Shelburne."

Steve's frown deepened and he nodded again. "Don't worry about that right now."

"Thank you. But I'm not sure I can help you at all, Steve."

Steve licked his lip and studied the expression in Adam's eyes. There was a hunger there, even with the obvious pain he was seeing. "It doesn't matter. Not now. Until we know if this body belongs to your father…"

Adam moved suddenly, but there was nothing awkward in it. He removed the glass from Steve's hand and placed it beside his own on the table between them, then came over and sat down close beside Steve.

"I need you tonight." Adam's kiss was gentle, but there was a desperation behind it that Steve couldn't help responding to. One arm wound around the man's back and Steve's other hand found Adam's jaw line and followed it back up into his hair, his fingers stroking the silky strands. Adam's hands went inside Steve's jacket and began to tug at his shirt.

Steve drew back, suddenly remembering Jin Lee. "Your man; he will have left?"

Adam smiled, hands still at work. "Don't worry; he left through the rear. I heard his car."

Steve hadn't heard anything, but he'd been pre-occupied. He nodded and wrapped his hands around the sides of Adam's face, watching his eyes. "You're sure about this?"

"I was sure the first time I saw you; no matter what you think my father's done."

For a moment, Steve thought he should stop; that leaving now before things got any deeper between them was probably the better idea, but then Adam's lips parted slightly and he was gone. Pulling the man closer, he kissed him again; deeper this time, allowing their mutual need to enflame his passion.

His shirt was off and Adam was biting at his pulse point before Steve could think on whether a bed might be a better place for this. Both of them were achingly hard and panting with need when Adam finally got out sensible words.

"We should… take this to the bedroom. I have… things there."

Steve couldn't even answer, but he nodded, allowing himself to be drawn to his feet. Adam kissed him again, and then tucked a hand into the waistband of Steve's cargoes and practically dragged him out of the living room. Steve didn't resist, and groaned as Adam's fingers found a sensitive place on his abdomen.

Once in the bedroom, Adam wasted no more time before helping Steve divest himself of the rest of his clothes. His own clothing fell off easily, and then they were rolling on the bed. Adam was not as muscular as Steve, but his body turned Steve on, and his cock… Steve slid down the man's torso, engulfing the heated firmness in his mouth like he'd been waiting for it all day - and perhaps he had.

Adam's breathing was erratic and his fingers threaded through Steve's short hair as he moved over Adam, bobbing up and down on his hardness. Pressing his own cock into the bedding to gain some friction, Steve moaned around his mouthful.

"Come… come up here," Adam muttered, tugging at him. "I want to be inside you when I… when I come."

Steve drew off the damp cock slowly, his eyes on the darkness in Adam's as moved upward. He didn't usually give in to other men so easily, but something about this one made him want it so much that his insides were already spasming.

Adam reached for a drawer next to the bed and dug out what they needed before leaning in for another kiss, his hand sliding over Steve's stomach like silk, and making his cock throb.

"Turn over?" Adam licked at Steve's neck, and then met his eyes. "On second thought… your eyes. I want to see your eyes when I make you come."

Steve didn't know what Adam saw in his eyes, but he wasn't about to argue. Adam's were so dark now he couldn't see where the irises ended and his pupils began, and it excited him to know he'd caused it.

Adam's hand slid further south and Steve let his legs fall open. Adam paused long enough to pour lube on his fingers, and wrapped his other hand around the back of Steve's shoulders as his digits sought entrance. Steve took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as Adam's slim finger slid inside him. It felt cool, but electric. It had been some time for Steve and the foreignness of it made him gasp, but Adam smiled, mumbling something unintelligible as he watched Steve's expression and started sliding the finger in and out.

Another finger and Steve was letting out little noises, and then Adam curled both digits, seeking the pleasure point within easily. Steve bucked into the touch, his cock bobbing in the air wildly. "Please…"

"Oh yes," Adam whispered, removing his fingers swiftly and reaching for the condom packet he'd dropped.

It only took a minute, but it still seemed too long to Steve until Adam shifted over him properly, pushing his thighs further apart and nudging his cock where Steve needed it. Steve reached for himself, holding around the base of his cock to stave off orgasm - Adam's nimble fingers had pushed him too close too quickly - and groaning as Adam slid home.

"So hot, so tight," Adam murmured, holding himself up over Steve and gazing into his eyes like he was reading something important in their depths.

"Oh God…" Steve blasphemed, rocking underneath him. "I need… please… please move!"

Adam's smile widened and he held still a moment longer, and then he was moving in exactly the right rhythm. Steve closed his eyes, stroking himself in time to Adam's perfect actions.

"Open your eyes," Adam demanded, though his voice was still soft. "Let me see what you're feeling."

Steve obeyed, body and hand still moving. He reached up with his other hand, cupping Adam's jaw. Squeezing his inner muscles, he was rewarded by a low groan and a deeper thrust from Adam.

"Yes, perfect…" Adam managed as he did it again, and then the pumping sped up.

They were both making wordless erotic sounds as first Steve and then Adam found their peak. Steve's come spurted thickly onto his hand and Adam's belly, and Adam's grin widened as he rocked through the aftershocks.

Steve couldn't close his eyes now, and he pumped his hand a few more times, his sensitive organ pulsing as he came slowly down. Adam collapsed on him, his hand sliding to the bedding, mouthing his jaw and neck as he turned Steve's face, seeking his lips. They stayed joined as they kissed, slack-mouthed and sloppy, for a few moments.

Wrapping his hands around Adam's back, Steve shut his eyes now, heart thumping against the sticky chest echoing the beat back at him. God, he hadn't felt so damned alive in months.

Adam kissed him once more, running fingers over Steve's eyelids, and then drew back, shifting away to dispose of the condom.

Steve swallowed hard, turning his face away, and wishing like hell he didn't have to go now. But it would be foolish to stay; much as his body ached to remain wrapped up in Adam.

"Hey," Adam's voice was deeper than it had been, and the heat of his body against Steve's side felt so damned good.

"I should go," Steve got out, though he didn't move, nor look at Adam.

"Stay? Please?" The sheer loneliness of the tone made Steve open his eyes and turn to meet Adam's eyes.

"You sure you want that?" Steve asked. It was already beginning to feel like it was too late.

"You want it too, don't you?" Adam didn't look certain, and Steve found that strangely alluring from someone so effortlessly and normally self-assured.

He nodded and pulled Adam closer.


Steve's cell phone went off early, and he blinked awake, frowning at the unfamiliar ceiling above him. Remembering at last, guilt spread through his body as he turned to confirm who was in the bed next to him.

Adam stirred but didn't open his eyes yet.

Steve swallowed hard, and then moved quickly out of the bed, still as naked as when he'd entered it, fishing around the floor for his pants to find his phone.

"McGarrett." He sat down on the edge of the mattress carefully, glancing over his shoulder nervously.

Adam half-opened his eyes and smiled, but there was tension in him, like he knew the call was about his father.

"I'll be right there," Steve said into the phone after he'd been told what he needed to know. He pulled his pants nearer and got one foot in before Adam spoke.

"Is it about… my father?"

Steve licked his lips, facing away from Adam, and dragged his cargoes up his legs. "No," he lied. "New case. I'm needed."

"You'll let me know if you hear anything?"

"Of course." Nodding, Steve hesitated, torn between wanting to kiss Adam and get out before he said anything he shouldn't. He'd already made that mistake once, and wasn't about to again.

Adam sat up, reaching for Steve's wrist as he bent for his shoes. Steve let Adam draw him nearer, returning his kiss softly before pulling away, regret in his heart. He shouldn't have let this happen.

"I'll let myself out."

Adam nodded at him, lying back against the pillows as Steve shot him one last nervous look and left the room.

Within minutes he was in his car, fully dressed and on his way to HPD.


Chapter Three

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h50 fic, blinking against the distance, h50: steve/adam, fps

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