Title: Unbidden
Characters: Jack/Desmond (Lost)
Rating: R for suggestiveness
Word Count: 695
Beta: unbeta'd, although
gregoria44 gave it a stamp of approval! *smooches*
Warnings: Slightly silly
Disclaimers: I do not own Lost, nor make any money from twisting the characters to my own ends.
Author's Notes: Written for
gregoria44 'cause I owe her some J/D from way back! Love you, my darling! ;-) Set somewhere around early S4 before anyone left the island, and before Des had any hopes of seeing Penny again any time soon. I had in mind a particular scene featuring Jack and a helicopter, with Des seeing Jack and not the escape route… but use your imagination; it's a bit loose.
Des had never stopped thinking about Penny, but it was pointless to pretend they'd ever get back together (even if a part of him did still hope for it one day), since he'd been stuck on this godforsaken island longer than he and she had ever been together in the first place - or at least, it felt that way. He couldn't really remember now.
He'd been so relieved to find other people on the island after the time alone that he'd immediately tried for connections with as many of them as he could. Well, once he got past the trying to get off the damn island and then the drinking binge, that was.
Several of them he'd managed to become quite friendly with, but Jack was something else altogether.
At first he hadn't quite understood it, or maybe he hadn't wanted to. Christ, he'd gotten lonely enough in the early days he'd almost considered approaching Kelvin, but he hadn't really fancied the man enough. Jack, on the other hand, pushed all the right buttons by accident.
Desmond wasn't supposed to fancy men at all; he knew he liked women better, and loved Penny beyond all reason, but fuck it! Jack… he just… ever since the coincidence of them meeting up in their previous lives, well, Des guessed he'd known there was something about Jack that was just hot.
Desmond hadn't had a shag in far too long, and he was sure that made it worse. Every time Jack was near him he got hard, and it was getting too bloody difficult to hide the fact that his reaction was way beyond normal.
Des shoved his hair back hard, seeing Jack again, his cock rising to the occasion unbidden. Jack, unexpectedly, smiled at him, and there was something welcoming in his gaze. Fuck! Desmond smiled too, so fucking glad to see Jack alive and well, and fuck it, if he didn't do something with this hard-on right now, right here, then he'd fucking wish he had soon enough.
"Jack…" he breathed, rushing up the path towards him.
"Hey Desmond." Jack's smile seemed hotter than usual; his eyes giving Des the come-on, for all that they had things to attend to.
"Man, am I glad to see you," Des enthused, grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him into a hard embrace. A fucking hard embrace too; one that would have Jack wondering exactly how glad Des was to see him, or if he'd found a gun since they last saw each other.
"Des?" Jack questioned, pulling away.
"Fuck it, Jack. I get hard every time I see you. Tell me that means something other than I want to screw you silly?"
Jack huffed and looked away, scratching his hand across his bristly head in embarrassment.
"Brother, I'm not a monk any more. And I'm sick of pretending. Tell me you're not interested and we can move on. Too long without women does funny things to a man."
"Obviously," Jack said, swiveling his eyes back to Desmond slowly. "You do know I'm not gay?"
"Never said you were, brother. I'm not either, as it happens, but my bloody body keeps getting you mixed up with the October centerfold of my Dharma calendar. I've no idea what to do about it. You got any ideas?"
Jack looked puzzled, but not exactly put off by Desmond's words. He shook his head, tightening his smile a little, and then he looked straight into Desmond's eyes.
"Every time you see me?" he asked, his eyes dropping to Desmond's crotch.
"Every bloody time."
"You think… I mean…" Jack was looking slightly embarrassed, but his eyes hadn't shifted back to Desmond's face.
"You… wouldn't… I couldn't convince you…?" Des tried, his throat going dry.
"Maybe…" Jack started, "You know, sometimes when you try something, it's not… you know how your imagination sometimes leads you to expect more? You get disappointed and then you can move on? You ever had that?"
Des knew exactly what Jack meant and he sure as hell hoped he was right. He let his grin re-emerge and was very pleased to find Jack's smile building too.
"Your place or mine?"
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